Monthly Archives: October 2008

Stabbings, firebombings, and yeshiva burnings—in Israel

Jews are being stabbed, firebombed, and their yeshivas burned down—in Israel. Not in Europe, at least, not at this time. A fire broke out Saturday night in a hesder yeshiva (program which combines advanced Talmudic studies with military service) in … Continue reading

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Caturday night fever

As I’ve been nursing a sore throat all day, I haven’t accomplished much. Well, except for, since I really couldn’t do anything else, backing up every single photo I’ve taken since 2002, except for the ones I lost in the … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 5 Comments

Joe Biden says: Pres. Obama will draw attacks

He guarantees it. Go ahead. Vote for Obama. Because that’s what America needs, a weak leader in a time of a two-front war.

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

“Moderate” Iranian says: Don’t gloat, guys

The pretend-moderate Iranian cleric (Snoopy’s been on the case here, here, and here) told his fellow America-haters to stop gloating about our financial crisis. Yeah, it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that as the West goes, so … Continue reading

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Paper stronger than steel

Via Glenn Reynolds, they’re making paper that’s stronger than steel, using nanotechnology. Rosie O’Donnell says that fire can’t burn it.

Posted in Evil Meryl | 1 Comment

In your face, ayatollahs

We’ve been hearing the enemies of America cheering our financial crisis and calling it a punishment from above (or at least, from their version of above, not mine). Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gloated recently that the United States is paying … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged | 2 Comments

Hey, I helped the economy!

Check it out. My condo purchase last month is helping the economy. Home resales in the U.S. rose more than forecast in September, aided by foreclosure-driven declines in prices that made properties more affordable. Purchases of existing homes jumped 5.5 … Continue reading

Posted in Life | Comments Off on Hey, I helped the economy!

OPEC cut is backfiring on them

This is great news: Oil options contracts to sell crude at $50 by December almost tripled today after an OPEC decision to slash production failed to allay concerns that the global economic slump is hurting demand. The cost of the … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl, Miscellaneous | Comments Off on OPEC cut is backfiring on them

Samir Kuntar, insomniac

The child-killing POS that Israel traded alive for the corpses of her soldiers is swearing he won’t rest until Israel is destroyed. Get used to not sleeping, asshole. Three months after being released from an Israeli jail in a prisoner … Continue reading

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Every day is “Hit a Jew Day” somewhere

Charming. Middle school children, enchanted by things like “High Five Day,” made up their own little twist, and spent a day last week hitting Jews. At least four students from a suburban St. Louis middle school face punishment for allegedly … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 4 Comments

First blood

Former National Security adviser, Robert MacFarlane wrote about the attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut and its aftermath. Apparently, the United States had a response planned against Hezbollah targets in the Bekaa Valley, but it was aborted. Cabinet officers … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Terrorism | Tagged | 5 Comments

Oil be seeing you at $2 a gallon?

Gas is $2.15 at the local Costco and Sam’s Club in Richmond, and OPEC is meeting to try to stop oil from falling any further. Crude oil rose for a second day on speculation OPEC will agree to cut output … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 5 Comments

I am never cleaning my house again

I am sitting here working while a team of four women clean my home for me. And they’re doing a better job than I would do, too. Oh, I straightened up and got things out of their way and made … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Ship of fools going back to Gaza

The Free Gaza morons, not having had their fill of being stuck in Gaza (cf: Lauren Booth, and try hard not to laugh when you think of her being turned back at every Gaza border crossing, shrieking, “But I’m Lauren … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time | 6 Comments

The Pravda media

Hot on the heels of Soccer Dad’s post on the media’s anti-John McCain bias I found this little gem. Congress is about to hold hearings on the financial crisis. They want a scapegoat. They will not, of course, hold a … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | Tagged | 6 Comments