IAEA on Syria: There’s uranium in them there sands

Looks like the Syrians didn’t do a good enough job covering their tracks. Even the IAEA has officially come out and said they’ve found traces of uranium at the bombed site, although El Baradei is still refusing to confirm it was a nuclear weapons site.

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohammed ElBaradei confirmed for the first time on Monday that samples taken from a Syrian site bombed by Israel last year, suspected to have been a nuclear facility, contained traces of uranium.

ElBaradei said that the UN nuclear watchdog needs more transparency from Syria and other nations to determine whether traces of uranium found at the site indicate Damascus was building a nuclear reactor there.

“It’s not highly enriched uranium. It could have come from so many different ways,” ElBaradei told reporters in Dubai. “That’s why we’re looking at so many different scenarios.”

Yeah, see, what really happened is that some Israeli spies planted it where the IAEA could find it. Which makes as much sense as the Syrians accusing Israel of using depleted uranium shells in the bombing.

“We still have a lot of work to do. We haven’t yet reached a conclusion whether that was a reactor or not a reactor,” ElBaradei said.

Uh-huh. At the glacial pace the IAEA works, they’ll figure out it was a nuke site about the time the next one gets bombed.

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