Monthly Archives: November 2008

Murdoch to media: miscreants

Instapundit quotes Charles Cooper quoting Rupert Murdoch. “With newspapers cutting back and predictions of even worse times ahead, Rupert Murdoch said the profession may still have a bright future if it can shake free of reporters and editors who he … Continue reading

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Names will never hurt me – the double standard

Recently a number of bloggers got bent out of shape by comments made by incoming Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel’s father, “Obviously, he’ll influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn’t he? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The bunker mentality

I bring your attention to the following three recent news summaries from the NYT as visible through Bloglines. November 14, 2008 Deadly Gaza Border Clash Threatens Truce By By ISABEL KERSHNER on Hamas Four Hamas gunmen were killed in a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Disproportionate response, UN-style

Palestinians have fired more than 100 rockets during the eight months of the so-called cease-fire, including dozens of rockets in the last two weeks. But let’s just start with the order of recent events. Israel discovers a tunnel that Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism, United Nations | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Canning spam ^ 2

A tale of two meanings. This spam is canned. Immediately after McColo was unplugged, security companies charted a precipitous drop in spam volumes worldwide. E-mail security firm IronPort said spam levels fell by roughly 66 percent as of Tuesday evening. … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Miscellaneous, Pop Culture | Tagged | 4 Comments

How to celebrate your birthday when you’re old

First, go watch your nephew in the playoff game and marvel at the fact that third and fourth graders can actually play good football. Then watch his team pull out a touchdown in the last two minutes of the game. … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 11 Comments

UN to Israel: Rockets, shmockets. Feed your enemies

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. What other nation on earth is being told to feed, clothe, fuel, and arm its enemy by the Eurocrats? As rocket barrages fell on southern Israel Friday, European Union Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism, World | 10 Comments

Hamas resumes full-scale attacks; media still taking truce

Hamas has resumed full-scale attacks on Israel, complete with wounded Israelis in Sderot, and the headline to the AP story is this: Gaza violence continues with airstrike, rockets Notice the order of events in the headline. Airstrikes come first, even … Continue reading

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What me worry?

Just One Minute wonders: Here’s a gloom-inducer – as of Election Eve in 2004 it became obvious that Bush would get a second term and we would elect a new President in November 2008. That gave Al Qaeda (and anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Palestinian PM at interfaith conference: Judaism? What’s that?

The Palestinian Prime Minister, yet another so-called moderate, managed to speak at the UN interfaith conference about how holy Jerusalem is to the world’s major religions—and utterly leave out Judaism. Jerusalem is holy to two religions – Islam and Christianity, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, palestinian politics | 5 Comments

Things not covered in the manual

You know what they don’t mention in the Wii instruction manual? What to do when your cat thinks that it’s a great idea to play with your legs while you’re trying to play a game on the Wii. Yep. Tig … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 7 Comments

The jihad against blasphemy starts with interfaith understanding

Irony pervades this lead paragraph: Saudi Arabia, the oil-rich Islamic kingdom that forbids the public practice of other religious faiths, will preside Wednesday over a two-day U.N. conference on religious tolerance that will draw more than a dozen world leaders, … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | Tagged | 1 Comment

The myth of the moderate terrorist

Mahmoud Abbas vowed at Yasser Arafat’s former compound to continue his predecessor’s bloody path—and he used the language of blood and violence specifically. During the memorial, held at Abbas’ Mukataa compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the Palestinian … Continue reading

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Not learning from mistakes – diplomacy in the Middle East

The short version. A longer version. Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | Comments Off on Not learning from mistakes – diplomacy in the Middle East

The new Abbas is the same as the old boss

The guy being promoted as the great “moderate” hope of the Palestinians remembers his maximum leader quite fondly. During the memorial, held at Abbas’ Mukataa compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the Palestinian president said, “The path of … Continue reading

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