Monthly Archives: November 2008

The Sarah Palin Africa hoax

I told you so. Actually, I told you twice. And now, even the Paper of Record is admitting that it’s a load of crap. It was among the juicier post-election recriminations: Fox News Channel quoted an unnamed McCain campaign figure … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 18 Comments

Iran ERA Watch

Iranian feminism, Islamic-style: Women can be as free as they want—as long as there are no men around. A woman clad in a red T-shirt plays an Iranian drum in a Tehran park as her teenage daughter dances nearby, her … Continue reading

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IDF vs. terrorists (and the AP)

Interesting take on today’s attempt by the IDF to stop terrorists from violating the Israeli border and attempting to murder Israelis. From Ynet: IDF forces thwarted an attempt by a Palestinian terror cell to infiltrate Israel through the Gaza border … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas | Tagged | 5 Comments

Terror victim needs our help

One of the survivors of the Merkaz HaRav massacre is in America for surgery, and needs some financial assistance. A month or so after the attack Naftali was sitting up and even playing the violin, but he very nearly didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

My name is msm and I’m biased

Jennifer Rubin But the media resists this interpretation, straining to come up with other rationales. They love a “good story,” or they are attracted to the “newest star.” But these justifications falter with minimal scrutiny. (Sarah Palin is the newest … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim #190 is UP!

Whoops I’ve been remiss, Haveil Havalim #190 is up at Jewlicious. It’s the Jewish blogging carnival with a ‘tude. Check it out.

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Serious about Syria II?

Back when there were the initial reports that Israel had struck a Syrian nuclear facility, I was skeptical. I didn’t doubt that Israel had struck inside Syria, I just doubted that the target was nuclear. But as more details emerged, … Continue reading

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To the anti-Israel trolls who think I care

Every so often, in spite of the fact that I clearly state in my comments policy that this is a No Israel-Bashing Zone, I get a comment from an anti-Israel passerby who can’t seem to get it through his head … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 5 Comments

Playing with fire

Something bothered me about this picture of a Palestinian girl in Gaza protesting the latest Hamas imposed blackout. How old is she? Two? Crossposted at Yourish.

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | Tagged | 1 Comment

To our veterans

Thanks for your service.

Posted in Miscellaneous | 2 Comments

Compare and contrast: Jews and Palestinians

I saw a brief mention on Google News from the UN Press Room, concerning UN Kristallnacht commemorations. So I thought, gee, wonder what UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon had to say? So I checked. Nothing. While I was searching, I … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments


Remember. UPDATE: Interestingly, or perhaps not, this article on Kristallnacht featured on the Guardian’s Comment is Free has exactly zero comments. It’s true. The Brits don’t really give a damn about dead Jews. Only live Palestinians.

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | 3 Comments

IAEA: Syrian nuke site was, gee, a nuke site

Even the IAEA can’t hide the facts. Enriched uranium traces were found in soil samples from the Syrian site that Israel bombed: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found uranium at an alleged secret Syrian nuclear reactor site that was … Continue reading

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Hamas manufactures Gaza blackouts—again

Gaza is experiencing blackouts, and of course, Hamas is blaming Israel. Gaza residents are experiencing sporadic electricity blackouts, and Palestinian officials are blaming Israel for cutting off fuel shipments to their power plant. Israeli military administration spokesman Peter Lerner says … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Time out

I just want to warn my readers that I bought myself an early birthday present: A Wii. First game I got? The Hulk game, of course. If posting is light over the next week or so, you’ll know why. This … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments