Monthly Archives: November 2008

The Rabin legacy. Revised?

A number of senior Israeli officials have been warning about “settler” violence. Ehud Barak Earlier on Thursday, at a memorial ceremony for assassinated prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, Barak warned of further political murders in Israel by “cancerous” groups of religious … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

No denying

Ynet and the Jerusalem Post reported on the recently found plans for Auschwitz. Elder of Ziyon emphasizes what it implies about the Germans. These are utterly ordinary architectural drawings, complete with cross-hatchings to symbolize where brickwork would be. People drew … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | Tagged | 1 Comment

Obama’s Likudnik

David Bernstein: Rather, since the Iraq War, critics of the Bush Administration’s policies have been promiscuously throwing the term “Likudnik” around to describe any person of Jewish origin who happens to disagree with their views and is generally perceived as … Continue reading

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The telltale tail

My mother had a sneaking suspicion that Tig might be hiding under her bed yesterday. We lifted up the cover (just to be sure that there wasn’t some other orange, fluffy-tailed critter in my guest room). And found the culprit. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 8 Comments

“You’re converted”

Remember a few years ago when there were two Orthodox Jews on the Apprentice? Dan and Lee were trying for a position with the Trump organization? (Lee didn’t win, but did get an offer from Trump anyway.) Maybe the Donald … Continue reading

Posted in Jews | Tagged | 2 Comments

Plans for Auschwitz discovered; Pat Buchanan in shock

Original plans for the Auschwitz death camps have been discovered in Germany. Original plans for the construction of the Nazi extermination camp of Auschwitz, including a gas chamber and crematorium, have been found in a Berlin apartment, a newspaper reported … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Sarah Palin: Proof of malice

I told you those stories were pure bullshit. And here is your proof, via Hot Air. I talked to Steve Biegun, the former Bush NSC aid who briefed Sarah Palin on foreign policy, and he considers the leaks against her … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 10 Comments

A study in cats

First, Gracie, in her best “Worship me” pose: Next, Tig, doing his best to pose for a portrait: If this blog was wider, they could be bookends.

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 5 Comments

My take on the Ahmadinejad greeting

Much is being made, in some quarters, of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s congratulating Barack Obama. It’s a big deal, we’re told, because it’s the first time since the Mad Mullahs took over Iran that they’ve congratulated any American president. Please. It is … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Politics | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Canadian Human Rights Commission missed one

So the Canadian Human Rights Commission, after expending much effort and taxpayer money, did not find Mark Steyn or Ezra Levant guilty of human rights crimes. But I wonder what happened to the CHRC in this case of genuine hate … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Terrorism, The Exception Clause | 10 Comments

Hezbullah rules

Israel is changing its gameplan regarding responding to attacks from Hizbullah, and the world is not going to like it. But the rules have changed, since Hizbullah is now officially part of the Lebanese state. In any future conflict with … Continue reading

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No deal

The Washington Post reports that the White House now acknowledges that there will be no Israeli-Palestinian deal before the end of the Bush administration. The Post describes some of what went on during the past year: After the summit, Rice … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Even Israel buys the “rockets don’t break truce” meme

Really, it’s just unbelievably depressing that even Israel is pretending that kassam rockets launched at schoolchildren aren’t violations of the “truce.” Palestinian terrorists fired five Qassam rockets at Gaza-region communities Friday morning. Two rockets reportedly landed in the Sderot area, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Debunking the Sarah Palin lies

Since two of my commenters have now posted links to the ridiculous Fox News story that makes Sarah Palin look like a brain-dead moron who’s barely smart enough to dress herself, let alone run for VP, let’s take a look … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 19 Comments

What’s she been smoking?

Every once in a while Secretary Rice does or says something that makes me wonder, “What’s she been smoking?” It looks like I have my answer (via screenshot from Bloglines): (Click to expand.) In case you can’t read that it … Continue reading

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