Monthly Archives: November 2008

Oil buy that for a dollar!

Oil continues its slide, dropping significantly in the last two days. It rose briefly last week after reacting to the OPEC production cuts taking effect, and then, alas for Iran and Venezuela, it’s dropping again due to a higher than … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

The Blair sewage project

Yesterday’s Qassam attack against Ashkelon didn’t yet make it into the NY Times report about the fighting between Israel and Hamas, but this did: Military officials said that the initial army raid was a “pinpoint” operation aimed at thwarting a … Continue reading

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Same-old, same-old AP bias

Yesterday, the IDF went a few yards into Gaza to destroy a tunnel that was going to be used to kidnap Israeli soldiers. Hama terrorists are really good at scurrying like rats underground, blowing up roads and parking lots on … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

Codifying condi

The Jerusalem Post reports: One senior diplomatic official in Jerusalem characterized Rice’s upcoming visit as one of “stock-taking” a year after the Annapolis Conference. “She understands that she can’t reach an agreement, but wants a summary.” According to this official, … Continue reading

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Politics is here to stay

I think that I’ve made a major turning point in my blogging career. Politics used to bore the hell out of me. But not any more. I’ve added two categories that I expect to get some play over the next … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Site news | 17 Comments

The real reason Obama won

People forgot all about this valuable voting segment. It put Obama over the top. In The Know: Candidates Compete For Vital Idgit Vote

Posted in Humor, Politics | 1 Comment

Food of the gods

It is chestnut season, and my brothers and I were taught to be passionate consumers of chestnuts by virtue of having a father who was a passionate consumer of chestnuts. I remember that several decades ago, I told my younger … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 7 Comments

Countdown to the end of Obamedia

Let’s start the official countdown, and while we’re at it, let’s start a pool on how long it takes the media to become disenchanted with Obama. Does anyone think it will start before he takes office? My guess is they’ll … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 8 Comments

Netiv haasarah redux

As Israel prepared to evacuate all Israelis from Gaza, Mohammed Dahlan, a famous Palestinian “moderate” demanded that Israel also withdraw from Netiv Haasarah, a community just north of Gaza. PA security chief Mohammad Dahlan publicly voiced the PA demand that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Tagged | 1 Comment

The world doesn’t wait

Yesterday, after trying to destroy a smuggling tunnel in northern Gaza, the IDF came into conflict with Hamas forces. Then Hamas fired mortars into Israel. then Israeli forces bombed targets in Gaza. The Israeli army said the clashes erupted late … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The wolf at the door

In 1996, following a series of devastating terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, Israelis narrowly elected Binyamin Netanyahu to be Prime Minister. About three years later, despite fewer terror attacks, Ehud Barak successfully challenged Netanyahu to succeed him. It’s true … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

On graciousness

I really don’t feel like being gracious on McCain’s loss. I wasn’t gracious in 2000, when George W. Bush “stole” the election from Al Gore. And even though I came to believe that he didn’t steal it—notably after even the … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

The next step in politics

Hillbuzz: If we came together as Democrats and Republicans in 2008, why can’t we remain cooperative in 2009 and all years going forward? All of us are willing — will you join us? We won’t agree on everything, but if … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Oh, well.

I thought Virginia would pull it out. But the blue counties in NorVA were too much to overcome. Looks like Obama is going to be the nation’s most inexperienced president ever. And I promise to give him just as much … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 13 Comments

Going to work now

I actually have work to do tonight. Going to do that and tune back in later. Florida is tightening, but not looking good for McCain. Pennsylvania isn’t looking good, but there’s only a small fraction of the vote in. Virginia … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 1 Comment