Monthly Archives: November 2008

Yossi we hardly knew ye

In a too generous retrospective of Yossi Beilin’s career, Ethan Bronner writes: For the last two decades, the easiest way to invoke dovishness in Israel has been to utter the words “Yossi Beilin.” The politician who navigated mutual recognition between … Continue reading

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It’s all over but the voting, so vote McCain

It doesn’t matter what the polls or the news say any more, it’s time to get out there and push the lever for John McCain and Sarah Palin. This is who I’m voting for. If you have an elderly neighbor, … Continue reading

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SNN, the Vote-for-McCain edition

We put out a special edition of Shire Network News. I have a contribution. Go listen.

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Ignore the polls and vote McCain

(Bumped) Gallup is calling the presidential race for Obama, two days before the final vote is in. McCain, Gallup says, will need a miracle to win. While only 4% of voters remain undecided in Gallup’s unallocated likely voter model, the … Continue reading

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With the help of Meryl and a number of other bloggers, I put together an endorsement roundup.

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Israel’s calm, that’s not good

Having done all they can to ensure the election of their preferred here, the editors of the Washington Post turn their attention to the next election, Israel’s in A Middle East Vote. Let’s skip to the end: Thanks to the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 4 Comments

Haveil Havalim

This week’s Carnival of the Jews is up, and it’s the Election Edition. Don’t miss it.

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Vote, baby, vote

This is where Meryl was last night: This is what we’re told the polls are saying about Virginia: And this is what the Richmond Times-Dispatch says this morning. Times-Dispatch poll shows tight race for president in Va. The presidential contest … Continue reading

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Reasons to vote McCain

There are many reasons to vote for McCain. What puzzles me is why four out of five of my fellow Jews are going to vote for Obama. Sammy Benoit has a piece up on Israel National News that my Jewish … Continue reading

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