Monthly Archives: December 2008

Terrorist, policeman, …

Aside from the NYT shamelessly rewriting this story, this paragraph really bothers me. Israeli officials said that anyone linked to the Hamas security structure or government was fair game because Hamas was a terrorist group that sought Israel’s destruction. But … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Covering for Iran

There is no kind way to describe today’s Washington Post editorial Israel Strikes with a subtitle: Hamas suffers a serious blow — but the real winner may be Iran. ISRAEL’S AIR offensive against the Gaza Strip yesterday should not have … Continue reading

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Evil Zionists send blood, fuel, medical supplies to Gaza

What other nation has ever supplied the other side with medical supplies and fuel during wartime? Meanwhile, Barak authorized the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza in an unprecedented scope. Some 100 trucks carrying blood units, provisions, medicines and 10 … Continue reading

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Hamas arms and weapons severely degraded

The IDF says that Hamas’ response is light for two reasons: Either they’re holding back, or their response capability has been severely degraded by the attacks. It’s possible they’re waiting for the ground attack to begin, but—well, see for yourself. … Continue reading

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Eighth light

Tonight, I had a lovely time with the R. family, whom I met the first year I moved to Richmond. Daughter Mara was one of my two teaching assistants, and her mother and I hit it off from the get-go. … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 1 Comment

Haveil Havalim

Haveil Havilim is here. And Jack rounded up posts about Gaza here.

Posted in Bloggers, Jews | 1 Comment

J Street: Too gutless to allow comments?

Why no comments on the J Street blog? What are they afraid of? Will they discover that the pro-Israel bloggers outnumber the anti-Israel bloggers, and that J Street speaks not for the “silent majority,” but for a tiny minority of … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Israel | 13 Comments

Hamas is fighting the last war, redux

I have written more than once that Hamas took the lessons of the Lebanon war to mean that if they did everything that Hezbullah did, they could achieve a “victory” over the IDF the way Hezbullah did. (Realize that our … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Gaza war intensifies; IDF targets tunnels

Israel is casting that dreidel very, very carefully. IAF jets struck tunnels connecting the Palestinian and Egyptian sides of Rafah, a Gaza Strip border town which has become a main entry point into Gaza of weapons, dynamite and other smuggled … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | Tagged , | 7 Comments

War snark

Because I know you want it. Stop the presses! I agree with Muammar Gaddafi: Gaddafi: Revoke Arab peace initiative My future husband (sigh) is back in the game: Dan Gillerman appointed head of Israel’s PR campaign for Gaza op Yes, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 1 Comment

More liveblogging

Jameel is liveblogging as well. I got this video of an IDF attack on an underground missile launcher from him.

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Palestinians cancel Christmas—after Christmas is over

Talk about your exercise in futility. Someone needs to tell these bozos that symbolism needs to be meaningful, not superfluous. Christmas lights will be shut off around Bethlehem, including those on the city’s giant Christmas tree, to protest Israel’s deadly … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Live action Gaza updates

Dave at Israellycool is liveblogging. He also sends us to the following Twitter sites: Twitter kassam count Search for #gaza on Twitter Brian of London on Twitter A word of advice, Dave: Start a new post for each new day. … Continue reading

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Morning Gaza wrap-up

The IAF targeted more Hamas installations, including one that housed the jail where Hamas was keeping Fatah prisoners. Darn. Okay, I didn’t mean that. Two terrorist organizations with one blow? Excellent. Fatah’s hands are bloody, too. Those were not innocent … Continue reading

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The IDF hits that kept on coming

Yaakov Katz details the intel that helped the IDF utterly destroy the major Hamas centers in the first day of the Gaza operation: A year of information-gathering by Military Intelligence and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) paved the way … Continue reading

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