Monthly Archives: December 2008

Seventh light

Almost forgot. And here’s the sixth light, which I forgot to post yesterday.

Posted in Holidays | 2 Comments

Gaza casualty rate: 94% terrorists, so far

The bad news is that Ismail Haniyeh is still alive. The good news is that it seems the casualty rate was about 94% terrorists. Israeli warplanes rained more than 100 tons of bombs on security sites in Hamas-ruled Gaza Saturday … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 13 Comments

The online diplomacy effort

If you’re on Facebook (I am not), you can go here to help. Meantime, I’ll be plugging away right here, giving the blogosphere the side of the story the media won’t.

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The mainstream media: Hamas press flacks

You won’t find this quote by Ehud Olmert outside the Israeli media, at least, not at the time of this post. I can’t find it. “Israel has done all it could to preserve the ceasefire with Hamas, but our desire … Continue reading

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Random reggae music thought

Why, exactly, do we have to pass the duchy from the left-hand side?

Posted in Meanderings | 2 Comments

How Israel fooled Hamas

A lovely story to take with me to the gym: Maneuvering the enemy: The Israel government reportedly employed several measures in order to lead Hamas into a false sense of security and ensure the operation against the Islamist group would … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , , | 15 Comments

Lessons learned: Israel’s PR blitz

Israel did learn its lesson from the Lebanon war, and especially in regard to the Hezbullah propaganda machine. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Saturday instructed the Foreign Ministry to take emergency measures to adapt Israel’s international public relations to the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Gaza op: Analysis

The rules of the game have changed. The Israeli air strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza on Saturday, hugely dramatic in their scope, nonetheless mark only the beginning of an ongoing, potentially lengthy operation aimed at restoring calm to the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

World reaction to the Gaza ops: The D-word is found

Yes, the D-word is being used. French President Nicolas Sarkozy accused Israel of using disproportionate violence in its attacks on the Gaza Strip Saturday. The bombardment must stop immediately, Sarkozy, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, said in Paris. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, World | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Gaza Op: Surprise attack catches Hamas with its goons down

Went back to bed this morning with a stomach-ache, woke up to the news: The first Gaza operation has come and gone. And Hamas was completely surprised. A Hamas source in Gaza confirmed Saturday that the Israeli Air Force attack … Continue reading

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Perfect Gracie

As promised, the perfect Gracie picture. She’s extremely photogenic when she wants to be. That was my desktop on my work computer for a while. Now it’s this: That’s my condo a couple of weeks ago, the morning after a … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

Sunny Tig

I caught this one a few weeks ago and forgot that I wanted to put it up. Every once in a while, I catch that perfect picture. That’s his actual eye color: Golden, just like his predecessor. Tig the First … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

The side of Bethlehem the wire services don’t show you

Here’s an interesting look at the “secure” town of Bethlehem today, and what it was like when it was under IDF control: It’s been eight years since I last set foot in Bethlehem. As a Jewish Israeli tour guide, I … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Religion | 1 Comment

Hamas rockets kill their own; Israeli hospitals treat wounded Gazans

Hamas rockets killed two children in Gaza, and strangely, the media hasn’t picked up that fact and sent thousands of headlines blaring across the world. A rocket apparently fired by Palestinians on Friday struck a house in the Gaza Strip, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Talkin’ Turki, part two

Soccer Dad has an excellent post about the former Saudi ambassador’s op-ed in the Washington Post. But he and I have different views of the piece. Here are the parts that leaped out at me. In May, Israel celebrated the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments