Monthly Archives: December 2008

Talkin’ Turki

Former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Turki al-Faisal offers Peace for the Mideast. Subtitled “How Our Plan Could Aid Barack Obama’s Efforts” the op-ed is ostensibly a demonstration of how magnanimous the Saudis are in the efforts to seek … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

Religion of tolerance builds 21st-century ghetto for Jews

The Jews of Yemen have been threatened by Islamists. So the few Jews that remain of the millennia-old Jewish community are going to be protected by tye state by being moved to—a ghetto. Two weeks after the murder of Moshe … Continue reading

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Hamas wants to bring crucifixion back to the Holy Land

Hamas passed a bill that will bring Sharia law to Gaza. And the punishments are positively medieval. According to the bill, approved in its second reading and awaiting a third reading before the approval of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Religion | 4 Comments

Fifth light

On the fifth night of Hanukkah, my readers gave to me… an orange boy in a Christmas tree. See, my orange boy can’t climb on this. Well, he could, but he definitely wouldn’t do it more than once. OrangeToo is … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Holidays | 1 Comment

Diffracted light II

Last time out, I didn’t do exactly what I wanted to with the diffracted light on the wall behind the computer desk. So here, for the full context are three shots, zooming in a bit with each. Crossposted on Soccer … Continue reading

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Meryl’s alternative Christmas message to Britain

It’s an easy one. Ignore everything Mad Mahmoud said. Happy Christmas, Britain.

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All I want for Christmas is a mosque

I’m sure the OIC will rush to embrace this idea, and by next Christmas, we’ll see foreign workers in Saudi Arabia holding Mass. EU Parliament President Hans-Gert Poettering called on Arab governments on Tuesday to allow Christian churches to be … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Religion | Tagged , | 2 Comments


I’ve already complained about David Ignatius’s glowing puff piece about the chinless ophthalmologist of Damascus, but there was one point I missed: A relaxed Assad clearly believes that Syria is emerging from its pariah status. An international tribunal is still … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Syria | Tagged | Comments Off on “Alleged”


Since it’s a holiday for most of us, we’re going to take a break for some cat pictures. First, we have Tig on the sofa, in his standard position, with that beautiful, fluffy tail hanging down. Next, Miss Gracie, taking … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Fourth light

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News media can’t slam Israel for Bethlehem this year—oh. Wait.

Instead of the “Israel is killing Christmas” stories this year, the news services are serving up a plate of “Bethlehem is going like gangbusters, BUT—Gaza really sucks, d00dz.” Witness: Christmas in Bethlehem festive, Gaza violent Christians celebrated Bethlehem’s merriest Christmas … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Flying pig alert: UNSG chastens Hamas

The UN SecGen actually issued a statement calling for Hamas to stop rocketing Israel without calling for the reduction of violence “on both sides.” He does, of course, condemn the Gaza blockade. The Secretary-General is gravely concerned about the situation … Continue reading

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To all my Christian readers

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. (Okay, I’ll be posting later, probably. But the sentence really works, y’know?)

Posted in Holidays | 2 Comments

To all my atheist readers

You have no excuse not to add comments to posts tonight and tomorrow.

Posted in Holidays, Humor | 6 Comments

The other side of “No one was killed in the rocket barrage”

The miracle of Hanukkah, 2008: Three children were saved from terrorist rocket fire. The lives of three children – aged four, five and eight – were saved Wednesday, as a Grad missile fired from northern Gaza hit their home, moments … Continue reading

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