Monthly Archives: December 2008

More Mideast euphemisms

There’s another entry in the annals of euphemism in Middle East reporting. The word is “study” as in: Hamas ready to study new Gaza cease-fire with Israel A headline seen in many online news stories yesterday. Here’s what it really … Continue reading

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Rocket barrages from Hamas: The Blame Israel Media steps up

Someone in the AP decided that even that news service can’t keep ignoring dozens of missiles fired at Israeli civilians. Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip bombarded southern Israel with dozens of mortars and rockets on Wednesday, sowing panic and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

The truth about David Ignatius

At the end of his post about a Washington Post editorial yesterday, Daled Amos writes: Maybe they should just go back to having terrorists writing op-eds. Maybe someone in the Post’s editorial department was listening because today, op-ed columnist David … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | Tagged | 3 Comments

Hottest search phrase of the year: Obama shirtless

I wonder if Obama shitless would do as well? Obama shirtleds? Put this one under “whoring for hits”. Sorry. Should have put a language warning on this post. By the way, I will not subject you to pictures of Obama … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 4 Comments

Third light

Chag sameach!

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Hamas wants to renew the faux truce

Of course Hamas wants to renew the truce. Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said Tuesday that his organization was willing to renew the truce in Gaza if Israel adheres to the terms that have been agreed upon last June. There … Continue reading

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Eyeless on the Potomac: the WaPo tells Israel to defend itself with the goodwill of Hamas

Israel has some tough choices ahead. Amos Harel of Ha’aretz writes: According to leaks from Jerusalem Sunday, a decision has been made for an extensive military action, and a ground operation is not out of the question. At this stage, … Continue reading

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Funniest video of 2008

Go here. Do not be eating or drinking. And then, thank Allah for the video. Seriously.

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Second light

Something different from my usual virtual menorah: Pictures from a Chanukah party I attended tonight. Four of my seven students from last year were there, as well as one of my favorites from three years ago. And there were new … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Israel, Religion | 1 Comment

Could or would

The death of Mark Felt – Deep Throat of Watergate fame – inspired former Washington Post editor Leonard Downie Jr. to ask, “Could we uncover Watergate today?” Instapundt observes that Downie is asking the wrong question rather the question: . … Continue reading

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The problem with the world viewpoint on Israel

Here is the problem with the world’s viewpoint on Israel in a nutshell. What part of this definition don’t the media organizations understand? a military order to cease firing a suspension of active hostilities Apparently, all of it. Hamas says … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Credit where it’s due

Gentlemen, while I appreciate the spread of the term “Jew cooties,” I think a tip of the hat once in a while to the originator (at least in the blogosphere) of that term would be nice. The category was established … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Jew Cooties | 12 Comments

Hamas: Truce and lies

There’s a 24-hour lull in the rocket fire, according to Hamas, that they’re observing at Egypt’s request. Problem is, Egypt said they never asked for one. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry denied reports that it had requested that Hamas hold its … Continue reading

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Seated between Iraq and Israel

Rick Richman pays tribute the Irish diplomat and scholar Conor Cruise O’Brien. He notes Martin Peretz’s observation that the NYT in its obituary doesn’t make mention of his book, “The Siege.” O’Brien was a contributor to The Atlantic, and that … Continue reading

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The Gaza War: Finally imminent

Unless this is all talk, the IDF is finally going to go into Gaza in force. Meanwhile, Defense officials revealed that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak met privately on Thursday and decided that Israel would respond … Continue reading

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