Monthly Archives: December 2008

Gideon’s babble

Why would someone who’s self described as “left of Meretz” support Netanyahu for Prime Minister of Israel? Here’s whtat the Economist’s former Israel correspondent, Gideon Lichfield writes: So if we’re talking about economic policy, he has a more ambitious and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

2 more from NASA

A Tectonic Feast On Oct. 5, 2008, just after coming within about 15 miles of the surface of Enceladus, NASA’s Cassini captured this stunning mosaic as the spacecraft sped away from this geologically active moon of Saturn. Craters and cratered … Continue reading

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Oh yes they will, oh no they won’t

A sampling of headlines about the status of the truce between Israel and Hamas, from Yahoo! News. Hamas Threatens to End Truce Unless Israel Eases Restrictions Bloomberg – Wed Dec 17, 2:06 am EST Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) — Hamas is … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

The pretend truce is over

The IDF bombed a couple of rocket labs in Gaza. Israeli aircraft conducted two nighttime air strikes against terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip for the first time in six months, this following rocket fire on the western Negev region. … Continue reading

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Free market trumps OPEC

OPEC tried. You have to give it to the oil ticks. They really tried hard to manipulate a “fair” price for oil. But they can’t beat a bear market. Oil fell to the lowest level in more than four years … Continue reading

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Coulda, woulda, shoulda

Fouad Ajami expressed his regret that President Bush is leaving office. One thing is sure to go with Mr. Bush when he departs to Crawford, Texas: his “diplomacy of freedom.” That diplomacy — which propelled the wars in Afghanistan and … Continue reading

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The shoe hits the fan

The media’s been having a field day with the outpouring of contempt expressed towards President Bush across the Arab world in the wake of the shoe throwing incident the other day. Abe Greenwald noted something the other day though. It … Continue reading

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Your morning AP media bias

Get a load of this headline: Army says Gaza militants fire 9 rockets at Israel It’s not like the rockets were actually fired… no, the army just says so. Israel’s army says Gaza militants have fired nine rockets at Israel. … Continue reading

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The Arab culture of self-righteous fury

Jonathan Spyer has hit the nail dead-on with his analysis of the Arab reaction to the shoe-thrower at President Bush’s press conference in Iraq. This political culture sanctifies anti-Western fury, and continues, half a century after decolonization, to see the … Continue reading

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Cheap gas is here for a while longer

OPEC is planning on a 2 million bbl/day cut. The price of crude went up to about $47/bbl in the last few days. Whoops. There it goes again. “A 2 million-barrel cut is probably priced into the market,” said Tetsu … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Falk – moonbattery a feature not a bug

Israel kicked Richard Falk, the “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” who is an anti-Israel crackpot who believes 9/11 conspiracy theories. McClatchy’s Dion Nissenbaum calls Falk “contentious” and his views “provocative.” … Continue reading

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Saving Palestinian advertising dollars

So Mahmoud Abbas and co. are appealing to the Israeli people directly. Along Route 2, which follows the Mediterranean coastline, motorists are seeing an unusual sight: a Palestinian flag next to an Israeli one. Below the image appearing on billboards … Continue reading

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What truce? (Part XVI)

There is no truce, only the pretense of one. Despite a relative lull during July and August, during which an average of five rockets and six mortar shells were launched each month, November saw a steep escalation in violence, with … Continue reading

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Safe or clean

When I first heard that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 plotters were planning to plead guilty for their crimes, I thought it was a good thing. I figured that they’d end up getting a well deserved death penalty. It … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

A spider in space

Drama in the Heart of the Tarantula Enormous stars in the Tarantula Nebula, one of the largest massive star-forming regions close to the Milky Way, are producing intense radiation and searing winds of multimillion-degree gas that carve out gigantic bubbles … Continue reading

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