Found this from the Lebanon war. It works just as well today.
Be strong and be brave.
With great big thanks to Sarah.
May G-d protect the IDF troops. and kol Yisrael. (Better, Jameel?)
(And Palestinian children. They didn’t vote in Hamas.)
May G-d protect the IDF troops. (And Palestinian civilians.)
How about Israeli Civilians?
We’re getting rocketed around the clock from Gaza! (the reason this war began in the first place…)
Fixed. But I think I may change it to “Palestinian children.” They didn’t vote in Hamas.
Finally some intelligent posting about this horrid Gaza situation. I spent several hours admonishing my television this morning and feeling that CNN was terribly biased (where is Wolf Blitzer through all of this?)
May G-d protect Israel and those in surrounding areas that are innocent. Someone needs to stop Hamas…..and Iran. It might as well be the IDF.