Some observations

Can we please stop running and rerunning and rerunning the same damn footage of the fuel depot getting hit, over and over again? Yes, I’m talking to you, Fox News.

On that same note, can you kindly stop showing flares being fired and having to keep correcting yourself every time you call them mortars?

Aaron David Miller, CNN analyst and former adviser to the State Dept.: The combover is fooling no one. Really. No one.

Crap. There are two episodes of How It’s Made on. They’re like crack, I tellya! Crack! I can’t stop myself. Resin figures! How they make resin figures! Help! Help! I can’t turn away! (Oh, so that’s how they make that tacky crap you can buy at the gas station shops.) Look! It’s wearing a six-pointed star. Joooooos! Zionists control everything, even making tacky figurines. “Her fine brushwork is what brings this figurine to life.” Uh-huh. Sure. Nothing says “lifelike” more than eight-inch high tacky resin figurines.

Yes! Another tacky commercial on Fox. It’s the Snuggie! The blanket with sleeves! And only $19.95! Call right now!

We are using far too many exclamation points in this post. But then, you know, we could all use a break from the grim.

All right. I think it’s dinnertime for me. Talk among yourselves.

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8 Responses to Some observations

  1. cliff was from montreal says:

    Ah the Snuggie!
    Every time I see that commercial I think I’m looking at cult members clothing or an old episode of Star Trek :-)

  2. chsw says:

    I think that Snuggies look like the hospital gown versions of monks’ habits.


  3. Have a scroll through what twitter-ers are saying about Snuggie.

    If, however, you have a strong stomach, try this one:

  4. Pamela says:

    What ever happened to putting on a sweats to stay warm….

    twitter? as is twitterpatted?

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Reading this post makes me glad I don’t watch TV at all.

  6. oxmyx says:

    It’s so funny you mentioned the “Snuggie”. because since the Cristy Lane commercial disappeared from the airwaves after Christmas, this is the one that annoys me the most. We always refer to the man as “the monk”, or “Mr. Atoss” from “Star Trek”!

  7. Reese says:

    Michael Lonie, try the “How it’s Made” series. Catch any one, doesn’t matter which. Mesmerizing music and images. Just once! That’s all it takes. Ask Meryl!

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