The AP spin on “We will never compromise with Israel”

Sometimes you wonder if the AP editors and reporters actually hurt themselves by working so hard to twist words like this:

In a possible sign Hamas was unwilling to compromise yet, a senior Hamas official in Syria, Mohammed Nazzal, told Syrian TV on Thursday that the group would never surrender and vowed to fight house to house against Israeli troops in Gaza.

That’s from an AP story on the UNSC resolution that is coming down the pike to tie Israel’s hands in Gaza.

Of course, let’s say the following happens. Israel agrees to the terms of the cease fire but predicates it on whether or not Hamas stops firing rockets. Israel stops fighting for a period of time. Hamas does not stop firing rockets. Israel resumes fighting.

The headlines, of course, will be “Israel steps up Gaza assault in violation of UN Security Council Resolution.”

Really. I can write this stuff without even using both sides of my brain.

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3 Responses to The AP spin on “We will never compromise with Israel”

  1. Vaultenblogger says:

    What happens if the UN does its ceasefire resolution and Israel says no? Can they do that? Will they?

  2. Can they? Yep. Do you see Lebanon paying any attention to UNSCR 1701, which ordred Hezbullah to disband its army and give up its weapons?

    The UN police force is about as powerful as a crossing guard.

    Public opinion will accuse Israel of disregarding UN resolutions.

    Gee, that’ll be different.

    Will they? I think yes. The IDF objectives have not been obtained yet.

    But I also think that it’s going to take a while for all the diplomats to agree to the wording of the resolution.

  3. rdamurphy says:

    “Really. I can write this stuff without even using both sides of my brain.”

    And coincidentally, AP and Rueters reporters can write things without even having a brain!


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