Meh. Talk among yourselves.

I’m not up for bringing everyone up to speed on the day’s events. You can peruse the Ynet and JPost headlines if you like.

I need more downtime. I borrowed the first season of Murphy Brown from my local library. The fashions and hairstyles are excruciatingly dated (every woman’s suit has enormous shoulderpads), but it’s still pretty funny—and I didn’t start watching until either late in the first season or sometime in the second season. Of course, my politics have changed enormously since the eighties, and so, I cringe at the anti-Republican jokes. But overall, it’s still very funny.

Wow, Candice Bergen’s hair was moussed to within an inch of its life. I think it would have taken the strength of three men to move a single lock of hair once the stylists got through with it.

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