Time for a kitty update

Miss Gracie went to the vet this morning and got X-Rays. The bad news is: She has bronchitis. The good news is: She has bronchitis. Now both she and I are on antibiotics (and I got the vet tech to give her a pill before I left, so I don’t have to). Her mews will return, probably when I’m recording my segment for Shire Network News.

My cat scratch fever is possibly beginning to show signs of abating, but it still freaking hurts. And I cannot for the life of me get that damned Nugent song out of my head. Damn you, Ted! Damn you to hell!

Anyway. Here’s a recent shot of Miss Gracie, recovering from the weary task of napping in the office while I work.


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3 Responses to Time for a kitty update

  1. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    I hope you feel better soon Meryl.
    Purrs to you, Miss Gracie, and Tig too from Sheldon the eeeevil tabby and Sasha Chubb-ese

  2. Rahel says:

    Hugs to Gracie, and Tig, too! I’m glad you’re feeling better and that Gracie’s meow will soon return.

  3. Pamela says:

    Ah ha. A weekl of meds and a warm blankie and both of you will be better

    Orangetoo says hi

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