Monthly Archives: January 2009

Hamas: Now we’ll never negotiate with Israel. Israel: Awesome!

If anyone is keeping track of the number of lies coming out of Khaled Mashaal, add another few to the list. The Gaza war has killed the last chance for settlement and negotiations with Israel, Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

War on Gaza Update #14

I am pleased to announce that the War on Gaza Update #14 is now live. I encourage you to spend some time reading the current and past updates. It is a place that will provide you with key information and … Continue reading

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The Boy and Cat show

Nate had a great time with me and with Tig, but we only have pictures of Nate and Tig. Nate used the catfish pole and managed to catch a big one. No, wait. Tig caught the pole. Or did he … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 7 Comments

Taking the fight to Hamas: It’s working

Israel scored another major hit today. The IDF isn’t just cutting off the creature’s tentacles—it’s also cutting off some heads. Senior terror commander killed: The IDF killed Amir Mansi, who was the commander of Hamas rocket cells operating in the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

70,000 Iranian suicide bombers: Duck, Israel!

You know those 70,000 Iranians who signed up to become suicide bombers in Israel? First it’s on. Then it’s off. Then it’s on again. You know what I say? Every time Iran does this—and they do it every time there’s … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 2 Comments

And still, they try to post their hate

Even changing to registered comments doesn’t stop the liars and haters. Liars, like the one who just claimed to be a former IDF soldier. Yeah. Like I haven’t heard that one before. I believe it as much as the ones … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Site news | 6 Comments

War in Gaza Update #13.5

Update #13.5 on the War in Gaza is now available for your consumption.

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Standing for Israel

Links to organizations that help soldiers: Yashar LaChayal Standing Together Rahel says: Both of these grassroots organizations send much-needed items such as food, toiletries and warm clothing to the IDF soldiers who are serving in and near Gaza. And also: … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Muslims attacking Jews on the streets of Norway

What’s missing from this report? Around 500 people who had gathered for a legal demonstration in support of Israel outside the Norwegian parliament were attacked Thursday evening by some 1,000 pro-Palestinians, police told AFP. “Almost immediately there was a large … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, World | Tagged | Comments Off on Muslims attacking Jews on the streets of Norway

Israel/Hamas video hack alert

Pass this one on to all your readers, fellow bloggers. US-CERT is aware of public reports of malicious code circulating via spam email messages related to the Israel/Hamas conflict in Gaza. These messages may contain factual information about the conflict … Continue reading

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UNSCR 1860: Not worth the paper it’s written on

UN Security Council Resolution 1860 is a waste of time and space. It’s not a Chapter Seven, so it’s nonbinding. It makes no mention of Hamas whatsoever, so it’s bullshit. And Israel is treating it as such. Israel’s Operation Cast … Continue reading

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There’s a kind of hate all over the world

There’s a kind of hate Venezuela’s Jews close their schools Brener, 77, who spoke with The Jerusalem Post by telephone from New York, said that Jewish schools in Caracas closed for few days out of concern that they would attract … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 4 Comments

Diehling with Iran

The Washington Post has dueling op-eds about Israel’s war against Hamas. Jackson Diehl predictably tells Israel that it’s on the wrong path in Hard Lesson for Israel. Charles Krauthammer disagrees. Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip is failing, but … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 4 Comments

The missing part of Walt’s thought experiment

Stephen Walt is being oh-so-cute by pretending that if religious Jews replaced religious (fanatic) Palestinians like Hamas, the results would be the same. Here’s his risible “thought experiment”: Imagine that Egypt, Jordan, and Syria had won the Six Day War, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 1 Comment

When Amira Hass accuses Hamas

This is not precisely news, but in a way it is – when one of the chief apologists for Palestinian misdeeds says it: Even in the current conditions, Hamas is continuing to arrest those it suspects of criminal activity or … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 1 Comment