Monthly Archives: January 2009

War In Gaza Update #13

The latest War in Gaza Update is available here.

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W. abandons Israel again

First he forced Ariel Sharon to give up the Philadelphi Corridor. Then he forced Israel to allow Hamas to run in Palestinian elections, even though Ba’athists were not allowed to run in Iraq, and Taliban were not allowed to run … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, United Nations | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

The AP spin on “We will never compromise with Israel”

Sometimes you wonder if the AP editors and reporters actually hurt themselves by working so hard to twist words like this: In a possible sign Hamas was unwilling to compromise yet, a senior Hamas official in Syria, Mohammed Nazzal, told … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

War in Gaza Updates 12 and 12.5

I have been just overwhelmed with work so I am a bit late in announcing that War in Gaza Updates 12.5 and 12 are both live. They offer news and analysis about the war from multiple perspectives. We will keep … Continue reading

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He writes what I think

My readers know that I am not shy about writing what I’m thinking. But it’s pretty wonderful to find a blogger who writes what I think, too. This is the end of an excellent post by Yaacov Lozowick, whom I … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Aint Nick’s boomerang

Nicholas Kristof – I’ll call him “Ain’t Nick” – on the NYT, The Gaza Boomerang: When Hamas was founded in 1987, Israel was mostly concerned with Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement and figured that a religious Palestinian organization would help undermine … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 3 Comments

Hamas targets schools, world is blind, deaf, and dumb on topic

First, I researched the grad rocket. It is accurate. It can be targeted. Then, I checked on Google maps to see how easy it is to map out a school in Israel. Satellite view. No problem. Then I checked reports … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Jimma dandy to the rescue

Jimmy Carter, during whose administration, Iran became and Islamist state and started to threaten the world, tells us that if only the parties had listened to him, war could have been avoided, in An Unnecessary War. So much of the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

How soon they forget?

No, I am not angry at Brits – I am already past that point, being closer to the mood best expressed by this piece. Still, I shall never quit to wonder about this country that (go figure why!) holds, and … Continue reading

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Iran opens a second front?

Did Iran order Hezbullah to shell northern Israel yesterday? A Katyusha barrage was fired Thursday at the Nahariya area in the Western Galilee. Police reported that two people were lightly wounded and evacuated to the local hospital. Several residents were … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The War In Gaza Update #11.5

My friends another round up of news and information about the war in Gaza is now available here. A few comments about the update and the war. As Meryl noted below there is an enormous amount of antipathy and hate … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Faith in Fatah

That’s what Thomas Friedman has. Hamas rejects any recognition of Israel. By contrast, the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank, has recognized Israel — and vice versa. If you believe, as I do, that the only stable solution … Continue reading

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Spare the Hamas spoil the war

Meryl observes the diplomatic activity and Israel’s leaders’ apparently considering the proposals for a ceasefire. But Khaled Abu Toameh writes that Hamas is having trouble functioning. Until two weeks ago, Zahar, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Interior Minister Said Siam … Continue reading

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Israel ceases fire, Hamas bombs cities

But of course. Just 25 minutes after the “humanitarian pause” declared by the IDF came to an end Wednesday afternoon, Hamas fired two Grad rockets towards southern Israel. One landed inside Beersheba; no injuries or damage have been reported. The … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

New comments policy

I’m tired of wading through the flood of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism thinly disguised as anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism. I have just restored registration to this blog. You must be a registered user to post a comment. That means that many of … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 8 Comments