Monthly Archives: January 2009

UN sticks up for Hamas

Of course the UN is sure there weren’t any Hamas terrorists shooting mortars from their school. It’s not like UNRWA has been infiltrated by terrorists, ever. Or use UNRWA ambulances as getaway cars, or to transport weapons. And it’s not … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, United Nations | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The media’s high dudgeon over Gaza ban

In his post about the world’s lust for Jewish moral failure, Jeffrey Goldberg writes: One story the media isn’t telling, because it’s impossible to get this story in these circumstances (especially because Israel stupidly won’t allow foreign reporters into Gaza) … Continue reading

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Walt’s moral Disneyland and other stupid academic tricks

I recently refered to Charles Krauthammer’s 1988 column “The Mideast as Moral Disneyland” in which he criticized those who passed judgment on Israel speaking of false concern for Israel’s moral well-being. Well there are others who live in similar moral … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 3 Comments

AP confirms Hamas terrorists fired from UN school

The AP buried the information after the fifth paragraph, where it would not get picked up by tomorrow’s World News sections in your local newspaper, but they have independent confirmation that Hamas terrorists were firing from the UN school that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

From despised to despised

Dmitry Sidorov is a Russian (and Jewish, although the name is highly unlikely) journalist. With kind assistance of the Google translator and some nudges here and there, I have translated (meanwhile without permission) his article that appears here in Russian. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza | 3 Comments

The War in Gaza Update #11

Another update on the War in Gaza is ready for your review. It is issue number 11 and it continues to provide you with news and blog posts from around the world and multiple points of view. It is a … Continue reading

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France 2 – oops again

In another time and another place this would have caused me a few whoops of laughter: French public television network France 2 on Tuesday revealed they had aired photographs that allegedly showed destruction caused by the Israel Air Force during … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Want a good war crime?

When you want to start carping about Israel’s war crimes, when your senses of justice, humanity and freedom are jarred by another picture of bleeding child or human entrails flung far and wide, of school building gutted by a tank … Continue reading

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World trying to push Israel into an early cease fire

Once again, the world wants Israel to stop before the job is done. Egypt said on Tuesday it was proposing an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza, to be followed by talks on long-term arrangements including an … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Wading through the sewage

You have no idea the garbage I’ve been wading through this past week and a half, especially since I started linking to CNN news articles and getting referrers from there. I just went through two days’ worth of anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Site news | 13 Comments

The War in Gaza Update 10.5

The latest round up of news and blog posts about the War in Gaza is now live and ready for your review. Update 10.5 includes a selection of articles from the MSM and blog posts from all sides of the … Continue reading

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Hamas using children as human shield

Take a look at this video. Now take a look at this one, which shows terrorists shooting mortars from a UN school in Gaza. The terrorists were shooting from the school that got hit today. It’s terrible that civilians were … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Barbarism in the Congo, ignored

Why are unintentional Palestinian civilian deaths so much more important than actual massacres that took place in Africa? Attackers wielding machetes hacked to death dozens of people at a church in remote eastern Congo, witnesses said Monday, and the Ugandan … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The NYT: Israel must make things easy for Obama

In Incursion into Gaza the editors of the NYT write: The longer the Israeli incursion, the more casualties mount (550 Palestinians and 5 Israelis have died so far); the more Hamas’s popularity grows among its supporters; the more moderate Arab … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

The futility of the peace process

Two op-eds today make the point – in different ways – that the peace process, the holy grail of diplomacy, is a chimera. David Brooks writes in The confidence war: By trial and error, Israel is learning to keep an … Continue reading

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