Monthly Archives: January 2009

Cohen’s rectification

Two years ago during Israel’s war against Hezbollah, Richard Cohen wrote one of the most offensively stupid op-eds imaginable. He wrote that Israel was a mistake. I and others criticized his ahistorical vision. Today, Cohen has an op-ed that is … Continue reading

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The objective media—not

Once again, CNN shows its bias. Death toll rises as Israel encircles Gaza City That’s two headlines in a row that start with “Death toll rises.” If you’re coming here from the CNN link, take a look around to get … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , | 18 Comments

The War in Gaza Update #10

Update #10 on the War in Gaza can be found here. It is filled with links to various news sources and blog posts that discuss the war in Gaza. It is a good way to get news and analysis about … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Where suicide bombers come from

An amazing article by Nic Robertson (CNN). Gaza horrors sow seeds for future violence Finally we know where suicide bombers come from. The article describes the trauma that children of Gaza are undergoing these days. The children have seen terrible … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 3 Comments

The Cheapest Blood

There is an ongoing discussion among my Jewish friends and I. Actually there are many ongoing discussions but for the purpose of this post we’ll focus on one. What is our role as a Jew. It is not so much … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews | 3 Comments

War In Gaza Update #9.5

There is a new War In Gaza Update #9.5. It is a collection of news stories and blog posts from around the world. Due to time constraints it is not as complete or as polished as I’d like. Keep checking … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Special edition of Shire Network News

The special edition of SNN is up. Listen, and forward the link to a friend. Remember, you don’t need an iPod. All you need is a computer that has a media program, like Windows Media, to listen. And go vote … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Podcasts | Tagged | 1 Comment

In Israel’s defense

William Kristol in “Why Israel Fights,” may be excessively optimistic. However he makes a point that seems lost on most analysts of the current war against Hamas. And, of course, not all military efforts against terror fail. Recall Israel’s incursion … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 5 Comments

Thank you, Bethel Gospel Assembly

God bless the people of this church in Harlem: A church in the Manhattan neighborhood of Harlem included a special prayer for the people of Israel, the Israeli government and peace in its traditional Sunday prayer. The prayer was organized … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Czech FM to Israel: We’re telling you to lose

Tzipi Livni gave a great press conference. Read the whole thing, and I think you’ll agree. Then, buried at the end of the article (where it belongs), is this pearl of wisdom from the Czech foreign minister: The Czech foreign … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, World | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Status quo ante 1967

John Bolton argues that the two-state solution is dead for now. Let’s start by recognizing that trying to create a Palestinian Authority from the old PLO has failed and that any two-state solution based on the PA is stillborn. Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Saving Hamas by diplomacy

Shortly after Hamas won the PA elections, nearly three years ago, the Washington Post ran an editorial, Hamas’s Choice. The editors of the Post wrote: Many Palestinians who voted for Hamas don’t support the Islamists’ fundamentalist agenda: Polls show that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Firming up the narrative: Israel can’t win

The news media are falling all over themselves to conclude that no matter what happens, Israel loses. When I woke up to NPR this morning, the first thing I heard was (paraphrasing) “Israeli forces haven’t stopped the rocket fire into … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , | 19 Comments

A priceless headline

This headline appeared on Ynet*: Hamas threatens attacks on Israeli civilians It comes from our long-time friend Mahmoud al-Zahar, who probably missed the sublime irony of that threat. What else Hamas was busy with for the last ten years? (*) … Continue reading

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The War on Gaza Update #9

I just published my newest round up of news and information about The War on Gaza Update #9. Before you click over a couple of thoughts to share with you. Sometimes the world is a funny place in that way … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments