Monthly Archives: January 2009

Gaza doctor: Hamas is lying about death toll

I know you’re going to be shocked to hear this. Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported Thursday that a doctor working in Gaza’s Shifa Hospital claimed that Hamas has intentionally inflated the number of casualties resulting from Israel’s Operation Cast … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

It’s all about gas, stupid!

Via Sandmonkey (what would we all do without Sandmonkey, I wonder?): a earth-shaking discovery of the real reason for the Cast Lead. It’s… but see the headline of this post. I cannot go on, its’ too funny – eventually the … Continue reading

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A decisive loss for Israel?

Really? Is it a decisive loss for Israel when a “progressive” lefty newspaper generously provides a pulpit to the propaganda chief of one of the most reactionary, misogynist and life-hating sects in existence? Nope, I don’t think so. Oops, I … Continue reading

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The reports of my demise…

Sorry, folks. I had site issues that caused Bluehost to suspend my account. Something was making me a CPU hog, and apparently, the punishment for that is very severe. Plus, I was at Job in Northern Virginia, so my time … Continue reading

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Yes, we had some site problems

We had some site problems today. (And that’s as much as I want to go forward with the “Yes, we have no bananas” theme.) Fixed, mostly. I’m in NorVA with limited accessibility.

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

UN Human Rights worker: Pedophile

Yet another UN child sex scandal: US authorities say a human rights worker with ties to the United Nations was arrested at Kennedy Airport in New York with child pornography in his suitcase. The Queens District Attorney’s office says Clarence … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, United Nations | 1 Comment

Losing while winning

The New York Times reports Few Israelis Near Gaza Feel War Achieved Much Elad Katzir, a potato farmer, was nervous as he drove through the lush fields, agreeing to stop the car only behind clumps of trees or bushes as … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

New president, old paradigm

The New York Times is happy with the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. And of course the Times draws the wrong lessons. The Israelis have tough decisions ahead, starting with their vote next month for a new prime minister. We … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

Better than them: Israeli relief efforts for Gaza

Israelis are already launching private drives to help Gaza’s civilians. As Operation Cast Lead draws to an apparent close, hundreds of Israelis, including those from rocket-battered communities in the Gaza periphery, are mobilizing to help suffering civilians on the opposite … Continue reading

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Yes, barrister!

Every time I think that anti-Israeli rhetoric cannot stoop lower (for fear of breaking its back or for fear of hitting its head on the (basement) floor), the rhetoric surprises me again. This time it’s Michael Paulin, a barrister and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

A.B. Yehoshua vs. Gideon Levy

It is an interesting public debate: A.B. Yehoshua trying to get some sense into the head of our Mr self-assigned Conscience Of the Nation (CON) – Gideon Levy of Haaretz. The discussion is rather long, so I will quote only … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Hamas’ hollow victory claims

Khaled Abu Toameh has a devastating analysis of Hamas’ claim of victory over the IDF. Hamas’s claim that it has emerged victorious from Operation Cast Lead is reminiscent of the fiery statements of Ahmed Said, the famous Egyptian radio announcer … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

War crimes in Gaza not covered by the MSM

Hamas is committing war crimes in Gaza, but these crimes aren’t interesting to the world—because they’re not being performed by Israelis. Hamas militiamen have rounded up hundreds of Fatah activists on suspicion of “collaboration” with Israel during Operation Cast Lead, … Continue reading

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False claims of victory and peaceful intentions

From Israel Speeds Withdrawal From Gaza (via memeorandum): It remained unclear what impact the conflict had had on Hamas’s popularity in Gaza. Israeli officials said Hamas had been harmed politically. Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz suggested that Hamas was rapidly losing … Continue reading

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AP: Passing along Palestinian white phosphorus lies

The AP is helping the world to charge Israel with war crimes. They’re accusing Israel of dropping white phosphorus shells on Gaza without finding any physical evidence whatsoever—but they have plenty of Palestinian experts telling them it happened. Hey, even … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments