Monthly Archives: January 2009

Feuded? Try aided and abetted

Last week the Washington Post reported Israel, Aid Groups Have Long Feuded: Many Israeli officials, however, have long nurtured suspicions that U.N. agencies and other aid groups, which are supposed to be politically neutral, favor the Palestinian cause. They say … Continue reading

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AP headline writers whitewashing anti-Semitic Israel protests

Look at the choice of headline the AP gave this story: Jewish leaders object to Nazi imagery at rallies Sounds like those whiny Jews complaining about anti-Semitism again, huh? Now let’s look at the lead. The use of Nazi imagery … Continue reading

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The amazing life and deeds of Mohammed Badwan – The Human Shield

Imagine a Palestinian boy who, as any other boy, liked football, playing in the yard, taunting his sisters, catching flies, running away from the boring lessons at school, etc. All was well with Mohammed Badwan until the the black magic … Continue reading

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A laugh before bed

Sometimes, a spam header just cracks me up. This is one of them. Get your organisms functions under your own rule. Right. Gotta work on those organisms functions. The other one that piqued my interest almost enough to click: Off … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

More threats, lies from Saudis

First, the Saudis are pledging $1 billion to rebuild Gaza. Talk is cheap. They’ve made these pledges before, and yet, they don’t seem to come through for anything but paying off the families of suicide bombers. Funny, that. Next, the … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Gaza in the eyes of the beholders

I know that the views expressed in the linked article will not be easily digestible in some circles. In fact, I have already identified for myself two such circles. Which is immaterial for the purpose of this post. So – … Continue reading

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Declaring victory from a rat hole

In Parsing Gains of the Gaza War, Ethan Bronner writes: Halima Dardouna, 37, from the northern city of Jabaliya, whose house was destroyed by an Israeli shell, said both Fatah and Hamas were to blame because of their rivalry, “and … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Babylonian Torahs smuggled to Israel?

Iraq is bent out of shape because Babylonian Torahs may have been smuggled into Israel—where they belong. The Iraqi Interior Ministry accused security companies working with the American military forces of attempting to smuggle out unique archeological artifacts, stating its … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 1 Comment

“… you’d rather see me paralyzed …”

Bob Dylan’s “Positively 4th Street” is a rebuke to an insincere ex-friend. It’s impossible to read a recent New York Times editorial “A way out of Gaza?” without feeling the same disgust towards the editors of the Times. It begins. … Continue reading

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War- What is it Good For

Forgive me for using an antiwar lyric for a war I supported, it just seemed fitting. Fitting because like so many others I have been trying to determine what was accomplished. What sort of benefits have been derived by three … Continue reading

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The many layers of editors in the MSM

The New York Times Opinionator blog, which one assumes also comes under those layers and layers of editors of the mainstream media that make such a difference between them and us lowly bloggers, has been in error about me since … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media | 7 Comments

The registration window is open

Jew haters and Russian spammers need not apply.

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

Since Meryl is so humble…

I shall do it for her. A honorable mention in JP today: Latest hasbara weapon: ‘Army of bloggers’ The article is going on about that army, its potential, blah blah blah… “Israel’s newest weapon on the public relations front is … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Media | 13 Comments

The hypocrisy of the anti-Israel crowd

Protests against Israel took place around the world again yesterday. This time, the protesters were even more blatant about their ultimate goal: The destruction of the Jewish State. Police estimated 6,000 people took part in two demonstrations in Germany’s capital … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Israel’s foreign energy dependence to end

So much for the Egyptian parliament demanding that Egypt sever its gas contract with Israel: Gas has been discovered off Haifa. Three massive gas reservoirs have been discovered 80 kilometers off the Haifa coast, at the Tamar prospect, Noble Energy … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments