Monthly Archives: January 2009

Withdrawal is no cure-all

If Thomas Friedman thinks that Israel only needs to teach Hamas a lesson, Dore Gold provides some numbers that would make him reconsider. (Friedman actually would never reconsider, being resistant to learning from past mistakes.) Admittedly, there were rocket attacks … Continue reading

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Iranian ship turned back by Israel and Egypt

The Israelis turned back an enemy nation’s ship from entering Gaza. Watch this get spun as an anti-humanitarian move by Israel. An Iranian aid ship tried to break the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip for the second time Wednesday. … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Iran | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Teaching Thomas

In “Israel’s goals in Gaza,” Thomas Friedman sees Israel’s war against Hamas as a teaching action. No, really. I have only one question about Israel’s military operation in Gaza: What is the goal? Is it the education of Hamas or … Continue reading

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Judging Israel – judging the world

The point-counterpoint game is an endless and, frankly, frustrating business. You rarely gain friends by a prolonged and detailed argument, you frequently gain enemies by a good photography job, especially with all modern conveniences (should I mention the all-powerful Pho.. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 1 Comment

War in Gaza Update #16

I just finished posting War in Gaza Update #16. Again it includes news and analysis about the war from a variety of sources. I strongly urge you to take a look at it.

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My eye started itching over the weekend. By yesterday, it was hurting and the right side was swollen. Went to the doctor’s this morning, and after about five or ten minutes of exam and puzzlement (not sinus, no fever, not … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 8 Comments

Hamas to CSM: We won’t stop firing rockets, even with a truce

Hamas is stating flatly that they will never stop attacking Israel. Abu Marzook: Hamas has held the same position since Israel’s aggression began. We have three conditions for any peace initiative coming from any state. First of all, the aggression … Continue reading

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Wilhelm Marr’s legacy – rewrapped

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Daniel Schwammenthal contributes Europe Reimports Jew Hatred. He points out the hypocrisy of the anti-Israel protesters, their allies and enablers: The rage against the Jews that is exploding in Europe has been carefully nurtured; it … Continue reading

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When doves whine

The NYT has a short look at “Baker’s Boys” the Middle East peace processors who worked through the Bush 41 and Clinton administrations, From Experts on Mideast, No Shortage of Advice . The article is about Dennis Ross (not Rose), … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

White (phosphorous) lies

Last week an article in the Times of London reported that Israel was using white phosphorous shells. It was a charge that was echoed by Samir Kuntar’s BFF, Dion Nissenbaum, who questions the Israeli spokeswoman. Yaacov Lozowick had some doubts … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments

There’s a kind of hate, Part II

There’s more kinds of hate Paris area synagogue firebombed Two Molotov cocktails were hurled at a synagogue north of Paris, the latest attack in what the interior minister said Monday is a new wave of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim attacks over … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza | Tagged | 2 Comments

That little UCI chameleon

Where do you hide a leaf? In a tree, of course. It is kindergarten stuff. Where do you hide a Jew? No, not in the woods, Jews don’t take to the woods willingly – unless forced to. The right answer … Continue reading

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War in Gaza Update #15

The latest update on the war is live. Click here and go read War in Gaza Update #15.

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Report from the front

This is what the IDF soldiers are dealing with in Gaza: Lt.-Col. Cohen has good reasons to want his soldiers to focus on the enemy. In one of the recent days a battalion force encountered three terrorists emerging from a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The opposite of hate mail

Got this email of support today. I’m a straight, white, male, Baptist by religion, living in southwest Missouri, card carrying cynic and full blown smartass. And I back Israel to the bloody end if needed. As you said, “anti-Semites, just … Continue reading

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