Monthly Archives: January 2009

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It’s open, and will stay open until I find the need to close it again. Next time you get confused about why you can’t comment or register, try clicking on the “Site News” category.

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S.S. Moonbat blows an engine

It really does seem like divine intervention, doesn’t it? A group of protesters, doctors and lawmakers abandoned a bid to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and returned to Cyprus on Monday after their boat experienced engine trouble, a Free Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Leave Hamas alone

Since Israel’s war against Hamas has started, the editorial position of the Washington Post has been that Israel has a right to defend its citizens, but it’s better off not doing so. Yesterday’s staff editorial, Crossroads in Gaza is more … Continue reading

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Iranians pulling Hamas strings

The news you read about Israel always seems to be missing a vital component: The major force behind Hamas is Iran, and Hamas takes its orders from Iran. When the media does mention Iran, it always downplays the Iranian role … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged , | 2 Comments

We are all Georgians now

See the title of this post? When you Google it, the only person you read about who said “We are all Georgians now” is—John McCain. Last summer, Russia invaded Georgia, launched tons of missiles, armor, explosives, ground troops, took over … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israeli Double Standard Time, Jews | Tagged | 5 Comments

Yet another anti-Semitic anti-Zionist protest sign

The AP didn’t scrub their video completely. They forgot to exclude this sign in their video story of the Washington, DC pro-Hamas pro-Palestinian rally: Just remember, folks. It’s not anti-Semitism. It’s simply anti-Zionism. Riiiiiight.

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 1 Comment

War in Gaza Update #14.5

And yet another update on the War in Gaza is available. It is #14.5. Let’s review some of the things that you are going to find in these round ups. They are going to include news, information and analysis about … Continue reading

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Do they still eat cheese?

In a complimentary essay, A whirlwind meets the Mideast, Jim Hoagland praises French President Nicholas Sarkozy’s efforts to insert himself into Middle East peacemaking, and sees his efforts as an example for the incoming president. The Gaza tragedy gives new … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Advantage Krauthammer

As I noted before, the Post today has dueling op-eds about Israel’s war against Hamas. Needless to say I wasn’t much impressed with Diehl’s defense of Hamas. It continues a disturbing trend in the Post’s opinion pages to argue that … Continue reading

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Both sides now

The NYT’s “public editor” takes the predictable approach when dealing with the complaints about bias. Both sides are criticizing us, that means that we must be right. Well yes, one side has promised to destroy the other and the other … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | Tagged , | Comments Off on Both sides now

A Summary of The War In Gaza

After about two weeks of the War in Gaza I feel qualified to give a short summary of what is going on in the following outline. * Israel initiates Operation Cast Lead to end the rocket attacks from Gaza. * … Continue reading

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Hamas: On the run, not on the ropes

Hamas is hurting, but far from down yet. Hamas is damaged, but reluctant to concede to a ceasefire, intelligence leaders reported Sunday. The IDF’s head of intelligence and Shin Bet chief said the terror organization’s capabilities have been significantly reduced, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Meh. Talk among yourselves.

I’m not up for bringing everyone up to speed on the day’s events. You can peruse the Ynet and JPost headlines if you like. I need more downtime. I borrowed the first season of Murphy Brown from my local library. … Continue reading

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Naomi Klein in “The Beauty and the Beast”

I am sorry that I cannot be 100% serious about Naomi Klein, with all due respect to her genealogy (coming as she does from a long line of pacifist Jooish folks), to her education (or, rather, the lack of it … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Another Dmitry: The last world war

The last translation (from the Jewish journalist Dmitry Sidorov) wasn’t a fact-based commentary, rather an emotional response to the goings-on here. What I said in that post. Upon second thought – there definitely is a place for purely emotional reaction … Continue reading

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