Monthly Archives: February 2009

Peace, live long and *kablooie*

See here.

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Jewish/Israeli Blog Carnival

G’day Mate. I don’t say that as well as Sarah does, but that is because she is authentic and I am an American with a bad Aussie accent. Anyhoo, I’d like to invite you to take a moment to review … Continue reading

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Your weekend AP anti-Israel bias

A headline is worth a thousand words. See if you can find the AP headline without using your mouse. Second prize for anti-Israel media bias goes to CNN. 2 rockets fired from Lebanon towards Israel Rocket from Lebanon wounds three … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Daring to do Durban II

Martin Peretz minimizes the effort of the Obama administration is expending on Durban II and attributes the decision to attend the planning session to Dr. Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the UN. The first full-fledged exercise in accommodating our … Continue reading

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It’s Netanyahu as Israel’s next PM

To no one’s surprise, Shimon Peres tasked Benjamin Netanyahu with the job of forming a government. President Shimon Peres announced Friday he has decided to task Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu with forming the next government. “Most of the factions have … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Politics | 1 Comment

Someone tell Osama

Vice President Biden at the swearing in ceremony of Leon Panetta as director of the CIA (via memeorandum): Mr. Biden said the new president’s actions “reverse the policies that in my view and the view of many in this agency … Continue reading

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Fighting libel tourism

Last week Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld testified before Congress about the suit brought against her by a Saudi billionaire. Until the New York legislature passed the Libel Terrorism Protection Act last May, I spent many sleepless nights worried that Mahfouz will … Continue reading

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Racism imagined; antisemitism ignored

There’s a joke about a man who goes to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist starts with a Rorschach test. Each image the man is shown is described as a “naked woman.” Finally, in exasperation the psychiatrist says, “Mr. Jones, you have … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 2 Comments


The IAF is bombing more smuggling tunnels. Good. They should do it on a daily basis. That would stop smuggling for good. The United Nations is an ass. Note the blithe description of “exchange of prisoners,” thus equating terrorist mass-murderes … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Comments Off on Briefs

Diplomatic follies

The Guardian’s Ian Black inteviewed the Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s strongman ready to woo Obama with both fists unclenched. There is some obvious silliness in the interview: Intriguingly, he says, in one of ­several thoughtful asides: “You can’t … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Politics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Let them be, David

David Taube, aka David T of Harry’s Place, makes another valiant effort to separate the wheat from the chaff in his article Why we must reclaim antiracism from the far left (on CiF, of all places). Of course, it got … Continue reading

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Happy birthday to Tig

Tig turned a year old today. And got a birthday treat: I’ve had him for ten months. It’s been a good ten months.

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Senators in Syria

In addition to Senator Kerry, another group of senators has gone to Syria. Senator Ben Cardin, my Senator is one of them. MIDDLE EAST TRAVEL: As Chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission), I … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | Tagged | 1 Comment

When outrage is in short supply

Thomas Friedman’s No Way, No How, Not Here praises Indian Muslims for refusing to bury the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks. To be sure, Mumbai’s Muslims are a vulnerable minority in a predominantly Hindu country. Nevertheless, their in-your-face defiance … Continue reading

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UN sets foxes to guard henhouse; predictable results

The UN is surprised to find out that when you put terrorists in charge of guarding seven tons of unexploded ordnance, gee, they don’t do such a great job of guarding it. Senior UN officials were outraged Tuesday evening as … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, United Nations | 2 Comments