Monthly Archives: February 2009

Amnesty International: We have to prove our war crimes charges against Israel? Really?

There’s a telling quote from an Amnesty International representative regarding exactly what they think constitutes a war crime. Apparently, if they think it’s a crime, well then, it is. Human rights groups are seeking to build a case that Israel … Continue reading

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UN finally admitting Hamas steals from them

Elder of Ziyon has been trying for weeks to get the UN to admit the truth: That Hamas is stealing aid from its own people. There are reports that Hamas is selling the aid back to the very people it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias, United Nations | Comments Off on UN finally admitting Hamas steals from them

The AP anti-Israel bias: Effect, then cause

Let’s play a game of “Spot the bias in the AP headline.” First, the headline. Israel strikes tunnels, Gaza militants fire rocket Next, the first paragraph of the story. Israeli warplanes bombed the Gaza-Egypt border Tuesday, aiming for tunnels used … Continue reading

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Morning snow

This was the view from my front door Tuesday morning. I really like my new home.

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Site problems, again

Yes, my site was suspended again today. There seems to be a SQL query problem that was hanging up the CPU on my server, and Bluehost frowns upon that. So I was down for quite some time, until I brought … Continue reading

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Be-yon-d Kristof

Ain’t Nick’s at it again. Kristof recently wrote: President Bush’s problem was that he loved Israel too much. He embraced Israeli leaders even when they responded to provocations by killing more than 1,300 people in Gaza, according to Gaza health … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Is that a pigeon in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

Of course I had to title this post that way. An Australian traveler was caught with two live pigeons stuffed in his pants following a trip to the Middle East, customs officials said Tuesday. The 23-year-old man was searched after … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 8 Comments

Some cease fire: Rockets in Ashkelon, mortars in southern Israel

How many rockets have to land in Israel before the “cease fire” is recognized for what it is: A return to the status quo, which is Hamas firing rockets and mortars at Israel, and Israel responding with pinprick strikes that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran | 1 Comment

Apologist for the mullahs

Roger Cohen has made his distaste for Israel known time and again. But what country does he show understanding towards? Iran is one. In The other Iran, Cohen engages in apologies for the current leadership of Iran. For example Cohen … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Tagged | 1 Comment

It was a busy day

I drove up to nothern VA, came home, worked a couple more hours, ate dinner, and, well, have no energy to post. And there’s a new Heroes episode tonight. Plus, from about eleven o’clock last night until eight o’clock this … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Is Barak a wastrel or what?

Quite a news item: Barak suggests tunnel connecting between Gaza, West Bank Defense minister says ‘we can reach Palestinian territorial continuity by digging a 48-kilometer tunnel between Beit Hanoun, Hebron at reasonable cost of $2-3 billion’ . First of all … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 2 Comments

Witte-icism: Israeli electorate wants to see more dead civilians

There’s a rather disturbing subtext to Griff Witte’s report on the Israeli election campaign, Israel’s key election issue: did the war end too soon?: Just over a week before Israel holds elections to choose a new government, the outcome of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | Comments Off on Witte-icism: Israeli electorate wants to see more dead civilians

The Inner Workings of Hamas

It is a relatively short time since the hostilities ended and a mutually agreed ceasefire led to relative quiet, relative being the operative term. Since then we have borne witness to the typical mumblings from useful idiots about war crimes … Continue reading

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The constant din of the anti-Israel media

Hamas has fired more mortars into Israel, injuring three today, and the headline of the AP story is not “Hamas fires mortars into Israel.” It is, instead: Israel threatens response to new militant rockets Note that this is an improvement … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Palestinian conspiracy theories: Starting them young

A shoddily built floor in an UNRWA school collapsed. Instead of blaming the crappy construction, the Palestinians have found the real reason the floor collapsed: Discrimination by Jews, as well as “settlers” digging under the Western Wall. Several students were … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment