Monthly Archives: March 2009

Gone with the enemy

While it may not be the official Obama administration policy, apparently there is no longer a “Global War on Terror.” (via memeorandum) The Washington Post reports: In a memo e-mailed this week to Pentagon staff members, the Defense Department’s office … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Netanyahu comes through with unity government

Benjamin Netanyahu got Labor to come into a unity government, something that has far-reaching repercussions for Israel as a whole, and Likud in particular. The world gets to say “Phew! Now we don’t have to deal with a right-wing extremist … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

A threat countered

Too many of those covering Israel’s war against Hamas in December and January have used the disparity in casualties as a proof that Israel utilized disproportionate force and violated international norms. The latest tactic has been to publicize the claims … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

China 1 Dalai Lama 0

I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention, but South Africa barred the Dalai Lama from entering, lest it run afoul of China. It’s Almost Supernatural writes: What a disgrace. Once again third world solidarity has trumped a foreign policy based … Continue reading

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The bloggers’ message

Earlier I wrote about President Obama’s outreach to Iran and lamented the fact that he didn’t mention the imprisonment of Roxana Saberi in his Nowruz message to the Iranian regime. Bret Stephens mentions a parallel concern in Will Obama listen … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Iran | Tagged | 2 Comments

Israel and Gaza

The War in Gaza hasn’t really ended it has just moved into a different venue. Now we get to see it taken apart within the blogosphere and the MSM. Not to mention the report filed by the UN. If you … Continue reading

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The Battlestar Galactica series finale post

So, without giving away anything in case some of you out there want to someday watch it in its entirety, well, the ending sucked. Ron Moore is obviously suffering from Gene Roddenberry-itis. Because hey, overcoming human nature isn’t a problem. … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 2 Comments

Breaking the ice with Iran

During the campaign Michael Totten wrote about why Barack Obama’s pledge to renew relations with Iran wouldn’t amount to anything. Withdrawing all U.S. forces from the Middle East likewise is not going to happen. Obama may want to bug out … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Northern exposure

Israel’s south has been somewhat quiet recently. Meryl wonders if it’s because a deal for Gilad Schalit is near. The north was quiet over the weekend. And that was fortunate. A 200-pound car bomb malfunctioned near a crowded mall in … Continue reading

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Is Ha’aretz is pulling a Scott Thomas on us?

Remember Scott Thomas? The New Republic’s crack reporter who wrote about supposed atrocities in Iraq? The one who was utterly disgraced and proven to be a liar? This Melanie Phillips article on Ha’aretz’s claims of IDF abuse in Gaza makes … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

The Jewish/Israeli Blog Carnival is Live

The latest edition of Haveil Havalim, the Best of the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere blog carnival is now live at What War Zone. Go Check it out.

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A mysterious quiet falls over southern Israel

There have been no rockets or mortars fired from Gaza since last Saturday. The question is: Why? Has Hamas come to some kind of secret agreement in order to get their prisoners released? Was this one of the conditions that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Major newspaper seems fated to cast Israel in the worst possible light

I suppose that the article Israeli Coalition Appears Fated to Clash With U.S. isn’t nearly as bad as the title. Still it’s got some problems. For example, early on the reporter, Howard Schneider writes: A leading contender to become defense … Continue reading

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When page A6 says something

When allegations of the IDF’s conduct first emerged, Yaacov Lozowick observed: Haaretz has just launched a series (so they say) of articles in which soldiers who fought in Gaza tell of wrongdoings. I’m linking to the first article here, and … Continue reading

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1,000 days in hell

Imagine that you are being held captive by your enemies. You don’t know where you are. You don’t know what day it is. You don’t know what month it is. You don’t know if your mother and father are alive … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism | 2 Comments