Monthly Archives: March 2009

Life intrudes; blog recedes

I have out-of-town company, and that utterly trumps approving anti-Israel comments in a day-old post. Or any other bloggy stuff. It’s going to be gorgeous tomorrow, and we’ll be seeing the sights.

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“Yes! There will be growth in the spring! “

The First Family will have a garden (via memeorandum): On Friday, Michelle Obama will begin digging up a patch of White House lawn to plant a vegetable garden, the first since Eleanor Roosevelt’s victory garden in World War II. There … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Politics, Pop Culture | Tagged | 2 Comments

Newspapers investigate journalistic misconduct – not!

Following on the heels of the Ha’aretz report that soldiers did not abide by the IDF’s code of morality, the NYT reports Soldiers’ Accounts of Gaza Killings Raise Furor in Israel (via memeorandum) The testimonies by soldiers, leaked to the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 4 Comments

Obama reaches out to Iran with stump speech

President Obama probably figures what the heck, stump speeches worked on enough suckers to get elected the most inexperienced candidate in the history of America, so why not try the same tactics on the Iranians. I don’t think they’re going … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, The One | 4 Comments

A quick note to regular readers

If you’re a regular reader and want to comment sometime in the future, you may want to register now before I make commenting registration-only again. I don’t need a lot of information—but you do need a valid email address or … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

Put down that wad of cash, step back and no one’s going to get hurt

From Jack Tapper (via Don Surber) “Here’s the problem,” Mr. Obama said, “It’s almost like they’ve got — they’ve got a bomb strapped to them and they’ve got their hand on the trigger. You don’t want them to blow up. … Continue reading

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Let’s try a thought experiment

I just disabled registration and enabled commenting. Soccer Dad’s previous post got picked up by Yahoo! News. Shall we start a pool on the number of anti-Israel comments that wind up in the moderation queue? Update: Two in eleven minutes. … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 11 Comments

The anti-Zionist elephant

Ethan Bronner reports in After Gaza, Israel Grapples With Crisis of Isolation. But in the weeks since its Gaza war, and as it prepares to inaugurate a hawkish right-wing government, it is facing its worst diplomatic crisis in two decades. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 47 Comments

Rafael’s Indian promo, militant feminism and other trifles

As a latent MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig), I am always on lookout against committing another involuntary faux pas that will expose my inner id (Yid?) again. This time I simply cannot avoid a (mild) confrontation with the… anyway, here is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

When terrorists appeal to public opinion

For now, Gilad Shalit will remain in captivity. Olmert discussed the breakdown of talks in an afternoon cabinet meeting; he later went on television to explain the situation to a public divided between sympathy for Shalit and concern over releasing … Continue reading

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Engaging Syria

David Schenker lays out the possibilities of American-Syrian rapprochement # U.S. diplomatic engagement with Syria comes at a particularly sensitive time, just a few months before the Lebanese elections, where the “March 14” ruling coalition faces a stiff challenge from … Continue reading

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Pincus fed paranoia

I’ve blogged quite a bit about the Chas Freeman appointment, but there’s a need to post (at least) one more item. Originally when Walter PIncus wrote about Freeman’s withdrawal he took great care to emphasize the Jewish opposition to the … Continue reading

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The double standard of the international law crowd

In every argument about Israel, you will hear how Israel is defying X number of UN resolutions, and that Israel is defying international law by continuing to build the separation barrier. It is a mainstay of the anti-Israel crowd that … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Fatah still refuses to recognize Israel? Is it really news?

In the clip above you can see one of the Fatah’s big cheeses indulging in some verbal acrobatics (on March 16, 2009) to tell you that Fatah is the same good ole Fatah of thirty years ago and no worries … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Drubbing Durban II

In a rather bland paragraph the New York Times informs us that Changes Ahead of Talks on Racism: Countries preparing for a United Nations conference on racism have removed references to Israel and religious defamation from its draft declaration, potentially … Continue reading

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