Monthly Archives: March 2009

Israel and the media: Tunnel vision, blindness, or outright bias?

Yesterday, the Israeli press carried Hassan Nasrallah’s recorded speech released on Mohammed’s birthday. It’s a pretty important speech, you would think, since Britain has recently announced that it is seeking to establish ties to Hizbullah. And it’s a very important … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Stupid PETA tricks

Yes, PETA is filled with very tall three-year-olds who really crave attention. Get a load of their latest attention-getting project: Selling George Clooney’s sweat. (H/T: Kat) Just when we thought we’d seen it all from PETA — the animal rights … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 7 Comments

Fighting Jihad in Europe

PoliGazette has news of terror related arrests in the Netherlands. (h/t LGF) Early this morning, police surrounded furniture shop Ikea and told employees to get out after it received a tip about a possible bomb attack. Police rushed to the … Continue reading

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It’s National Iowahawk Day

It’s Iowahawk’s day! Don’t miss the thrilling story in the comments about how he rescued me from a burning building.

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Pitfalls of outreach

David Hazony writes that Secretary of State Clinton has promised not to deal with Hamas unless Hamas fulfills three conditions. That any governing party must (i) recognize Israel, (ii) renounce terrorism, and (iii) remain committed to all previous agreements between … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Shire Network News is back

Did I forget to tell you that SNN is back? Yes, yes I did. Go listen.

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment

If an appointee falls and there’s no msm, is it still a scandal?

We did initially elect not to write a story about the campaign against Mr. Freeman. In deciding how to deploy our reporters, my initial judgment was that this squabble fell short of the bar, since the head of the National … Continue reading

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Ban Ki-Moon bites the hand that pays him

Ban Ki-Moon called the United States a “deadbeat” donor to the UN. Why? Because we’re always late paying our 22% of the UN $5 billion budget. That’s right, we pay for one-fifth of the UN’s costs, and the head of … Continue reading

Posted in United Nations | 5 Comments

This is not a condemnation by Hamas

The AP is sending out a story that says Hamas is condemning rocket fire from Gaza. This is not a condemnation. “Regarding the report about rockets fired from Gaza, we emphasize that these rockets have no link to any of … Continue reading

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Shalit deal nearing?

The Olmert administration is apparently in a big hurry to get Gilad Shalit released before the Netanyahu administration can refuse to release terrorists responsible for the murder of hundreds. And the AFP says the deal is getting closer. Egypt hosted … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Two Freeman myths busted

With a summary like Washington’s lobbying machine deprived Barack Obama of a valuable adviser. I’m not going to bother with David Broder’s Chas Freeman’s withdrawal is a loss for the country. However on the op op-ed page the editors of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The great debate (about Israel’s influence)

The Washington Post reports on the withdrawal of Chas Freeman to head National Intelligence Council, Intelligence Pick Blames ‘Israel Lobby’ For Withdrawal. Walter Pincus, the reporter, correctly writes: Freeman’s angry rhetoric notwithstanding, the controversy surrounding the former U.S. ambassador to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | Tagged | Comments Off on The great debate (about Israel’s influence)

Deconstructing Stephen Walt

Stephen Walt, co-author of the odious Israel Lobby, the man that sees Jewish conspiracies under every stone, does not disappoint with his reaction to the Chas Freeman flameout. But by doing so, he has tipped his hand as an expert … Continue reading

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Comment trouble

For a reason that I can’t determine, some legitimate user comments are heading into the spam filter. I rescued three of them today, but a few were a couple of days old. If you’re a regular commenter here, and your … Continue reading

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Sderot as a symbol

The Washington Post reports on Sderot as a “symbol” Perhaps a quarter of Sderot’s population has moved away in recent years. Of the 20,000 or so residents left, anxiety and other signs of post-traumatic stress are widespread. That’s the message … Continue reading

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