Monthly Archives: April 2009

Lieberman’s call for two-state solution ignored by MSM

The media have portrayed Avigdor Lieberman as a rabid anti-Arab bigot who refuses to adhere to the Two-state Solution School of Middle East Politics. So I read with interest this article in Ynet the other day, and waited for the … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Syria | Comments Off on Lieberman’s call for two-state solution ignored by MSM

An Israeli bull in the Iran shop?

Jim Hoagland fears that President Obama’s plans for the Middle East are imperiled by Israel. In An Israeli surprise for Obama?, Hoagland writes: The review cannot be completed until Obama has what may be his toughest meeting yet with a … Continue reading

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3 arrested in Lebanon for spying for Israel

The New York Times reports that Lebanese authorities have arrested three men for spying for Israel. The arrests on Saturday were based on information from Adeeb al-Alam, a retired Lebanese general who was arrested this month and charged with spying … Continue reading

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The Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere

Every week I have the privilege of notifying you about one of the longest running blog carnivals in the blogosphere. Haveil Havalim #214, the Best of the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere is live at The Rebbetzin’s Husband. This edition covers sports, politics, … Continue reading

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Caturday afternoon

It’s 93 degrees in Richmond today, and so we have: Cat pictures. First, we have Tig3.0 looking his best to imitate Tig 2, who was also known as The Independent Republic of Tiggerstan. Sorry, Tig3, but you’ve got a way … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Corruption: it’s a feature not a bug

In Gaza power plant surprising profit generator, Dion Nissenbaum notes that a recent report shows that foreign aid indirectly flows to Mahmoud Abbas’s sons. The power plant story follows another investigative piece by Entous that examined lucrative US contracts given … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Driving the wedge

How clear the conflict between the Netanyahu government and the Obama administration are, is unclear at this point. That doesn’t stop Glenn Kessler from emphasizing the differences. Aides to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said this week that the Israeli … Continue reading

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Heroes? Yes.

According to Michael Goldfarb, that’s what we ought to call the interrogators who got timely information that saved lives. (via memeorandum) That’s what we ought to call the men and women who interrogated the worst of the worst. For those … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged | 7 Comments

Netanyahu to EU: F.U.

I am loving stories like this. I foresee many more of them to come. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday dismissed European calls to suspend the upgrade in Israel’s relations with the European Union. “Don’t set conditions for us,” Netanyahu told … Continue reading

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Gitmo prisoner’s sons killed by grenade—in their home

This is a story that doesn’t make you go “Hmm.” It makes you go, “WTF?” The two young sons of a Yemeni detainee at Guantanamo died when a grenade they were playing with accidentally detonated inside their home, a human … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 1 Comment

Bridging and expanding the gap

I observed yesterday that conflicts between the new governments in the United States and Israel are being magnified by those who seem to have a stake in ensuring friction between the two. Shmuel Rosner debunks another effort to magnify differences … Continue reading

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Religion of tolerance vandalizes Jewish shrine—again

The famed Islamic tolerance for other religions reared its ugly face in Nablus last night, when Joseph’s Tomb—a place supposedly sacred to Islam as well as to Judaism—was vandalized. Since Nablus is in the West Bank, and there are no … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Religion | 5 Comments

Face value

Yesterday, I wrote about Elder of Ziyon’s efforts to count the Arab casualties from Cast Lead accurately. Look at today’s report in the New York Times about the IDF’s investigation of its behavior during Cast Lead. Gaza health officials said … Continue reading

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Technical glitch stops Hamas/U.K. propaganda hour

Well, this was good news: A meeting was meant to take place on Wednesday in the Grimond Room at Portcullis House, adjoining the House of Commons in London. The planned meeting was titled “Talk with Hamas” and was meant to … Continue reading

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How far apart?

Last week Barry Rubin argued that Israel and the United States – despite what’s being reported – are not headed for a major confrontation. Yesterday Israel Matzav looked at a report about President Obama refusing to meet with PM Netanyahu … Continue reading

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