Monthly Archives: April 2009

Jewish/Israeli Blog Carnival Time

The 213th edition of Haveil Havalim, the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere’s weekly blog carnival is up at The Real Shaliach.

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Preoccupied with occupation

Back in 2002, Efraim Karsh wrote an article “What Occupation?,” which gave a history of how Israel came to control Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza as well as the overall beneficial effects it had on the Palestinians. I recommend the whole … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 1 Comment

Why isn’t any journalist doing this?

A rank amateur, Elder of Ziyon (together with PT Watch) is actually doing some reporting. He’s going through the fatality list from a leading Palestinian human rights organization and showing how quite a few of the “civilians” listed at PCHR … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Before the separation fence: A life of fear

The New York Times has a great feature. If you’re reading one article about a subject, at the end of the article are links to others that might interest you. So while reading David Brooks’ latest column on Israel, I … Continue reading

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Important throwaway lines

In today’s New York Times, Isabel Kershner is keen to emphasize the different emphases of the Israeli and American governments. But one line in her short dispatch, Israel: Netanyahu Demands Recognition of Israel First, tells an untold story. Palestinian officials … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

A nice, relaxing day

Since Sarah’s out of town, I spent the day with her family. Of course. She asked me to help out by taking Jake to a bar mitzvah this morning, which entailed my picking him up after dinner last night and … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Johann Hari – not a moonbat

Frankly, when I read about that story first at Yid With Lid‘s place, I didn’t believe in it at first. No offense to YWL intended, but even after reading the fully quoted article, then moving to the original at HuffPost, … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, World | 6 Comments

Happy Tigger Day!

One year ago today (technically tomorrow, but it was a Friday 52 weeks ago), I brought home my new orange goofball. Here’s how he looked on the way home: Here’s Mr. Tig today (literally): He’s been a major huggy bear … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Happy birthday to J-Street

The Washington Post sends a Happy Birthday card to J-Street, New Liberal Jewish Lobby Quickly Makes Its Mark: When a group of Jewish liberals formed a lobbying and fundraising group called J Street a year ago, they had modest hopes … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

The “cycle of violence” returns

Hamas tested Israel’s new PM. Terrorists launched a kassam rocket at Israel yesterday. Today, Israel launched a bigger rocket at Hamas. At least, that’s how the wire services will play this one out. But is that what happened? A day … Continue reading

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The self-defense of Jews: Still not welcome

This is an interesting argument that’s been floating around for quite some time. The world says to Israel that it exaggerates the danger of Iran. Israel says she will take action in self-defense if necessary, even if that means striking … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | 3 Comments

Mainstream media math on the tea parties

The AP and CNN are going with “tens of thousands” attending 800 tea parties across the nation. Atlanta police are estimating 10,000 in that city alone. Lansing, MI had 3-4,000. Madison, WI, Columbia, SC, Richmond, VA, Nashville, TN, Tampa, FL: … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 2 Comments

The ever-present anti-Israel AP slant

Exhibit A: An evolution of headlines. Israel says it’s unlikely to co-operate in UN’s Gaza investigation Fairly balanced, gets the point across, no evident bias. Exhibit B: The updated story. Israel balks at UN war crimes probe of Gaza war … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations | 2 Comments

Got tired of serif fonts

Lucida. Ugh. I’ll take a simple Helvetica clone over that any day. I also need to do a bit of tweaking to make the text more readable. I don’t know why people seem to think that 100% black isn’t a … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

Obama’s meaningless withholding stimulus

My last two paychecks were mysteriously larger by about $27. As I am nowhere near the category that gets to stop paying social security taxes at a certain date during the year, I was confused—until Sarah helped me figure out … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, The One | 3 Comments