Monthly Archives: April 2009

What? Good news briefs?

Good news from Russia? Russia has yet to supply Iran with the sophisticated anti-aircraft defenses that would make it more difficult to take out Iran’s nuclear program. Mind you, I know almost nothing about weaponry, but I do hope that … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | 1 Comment

The man with the silver tongue and the myth of moderation

I’m tempted to say about Roger Cohen that the less said about him that better, but quite a few people have written excellent ripostes to his latest venality that are worth checking out. In Roger Cohen’s world, the extremists in … Continue reading

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Hezbullah in Egypt: Not there for the resorts

Hezbullah planned multiple attacks on Israeli and Egyptian targets. According to the report, Shihab gave “earth-shattering confessions” during his investigation. Shihab reportedly admitted that the organization’s goal was to carry out attacks in Egypt, and not to aid Hamas in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Israeli Double Standard Time in plain sight

You know, it’s not enough that the world pushes the Palestinian problem at Israel, while utterly ignoring the fact that an equal number of Jews were forced out of Arab and Muslim countries right after the establishment of the State … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Comments Off on Israeli Double Standard Time in plain sight

Stupid marketing ploy of the week

It boggles the mind that someone in marketing thought this up, got it approved, and then ordered who knows how many of them. Today, a sticker on a banana that I bought declared, “Peel me! I’m a low-fat food!” Yes. … Continue reading

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Jewish/Israeli Blog Carnival

My apologies for the late notice on this one. The latest edition of Haveil Havalim, the weekly Jewish/Israeli blogosphere blog carnival is up at Shtetl Fabulous. Go read Haveil Havalim #212: How Many Days til We Can Eat Bread?

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Roger Cohen: Dumb, stupid, or all three?

My brother used to have a very snarky question as a teenager: Are you dumb, stupid, or all three? I find that it still has its uses, especially when discussing the New York Times’ anti-Israel golden boy’s latest column. First … Continue reading

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Deka and DARPA

60 Minutes had a report yesterday about the Army’s efforts to create artificial arms for amputees. Prosthetics, until now, haven’t changed since they were first invented. Now efforts are being made to tie the artificial limbs into the users nervous … Continue reading

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Little-known facts about the White House Seder

The Weekly World News, as always, got the dish on what really happened at the White House Seder: A team of Rabbis, Jewish Scholars, and Project Runway winner Christian Siriano were brought in to design the event. At the beginning … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Humor | 1 Comment

Innocent Palestinian ship blown up by evil IDF

A Palestinian fishing vessel, minding its own business, was viciously attacked by the IDF. And strangely, it exploded. A Palestinian fishing boat from Gaza, floating illegally near the Israeli coast, exploded Monday morning when hit with IDF artillery. IDF sources … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Terrorism | 1 Comment

You look like a monkey…

Egypt’s war of words with Hassan Nasrallah is escalating, and the laughs just keep on coming. An Egyptian state-controlled newspaper escalated Egypt’s dispute with Hizbullah on Sunday by calling its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, a “Monkey sheikh.” The state-owned al-Gomhouria newspaper … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Lebanon | Comments Off on You look like a monkey…

Pictures from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor

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Somali pirate haiku

Navy Seals killed three out of three pirates who refused to surrender to the U.S. Navy. “While working through the negotiations process tonight, the on-scene commander from the Bainbridge made the decision that the captain’s life was in immediate danger, … Continue reading

Posted in World | 4 Comments

A thank-you note to my readers

I’d like to thank you all for sticking with me these past couple of weeks. The site statistics have barely changed at all even through all the blog-hopping, changing to the old html style, and going through all the changes … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 2 Comments

In the meantime…

Still have a lot of posts over on my Blogspot blog that probably won’t get transferred over here, as you can get them on Soccer Dad’s and Snoopy’s blogs. Jack’s too. I’ll be putting a few of the Blogspot posts … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment