Monthly Archives: May 2009

Hugo helps with Iranian nukes?

According the AP, Israel has prepared a “secret” report claiming that Venezuela and Bolivia are supplying Iran with uranium for its nuclear program. The two South American countries are known to have close ties with Iran, but this is the … Continue reading

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Note to AP: Debate is not dialogue

A dialogue is a conversation between two people. A debate is an exercise in rhetoric between opposing viewpoints. But the AP apparently does not have writers or editors knowledgeable enough to tell the difference between the two, nor between a … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran | Tagged | 1 Comment

Time for a kitty timeout

Still not doing much blogging this weekend. So we have cat pictures. Tigger on deck. Gracie napping. Believe me when I tell you that Tig is not nearly as fat as he looks. He has about twice as much fur … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 2 Comments

Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu – the alternative version

There’s a really great editorial at the New York Times that I missed the other day: We’d call this week’s White House meeting between President Obama and the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, a draw. Mr. Netanyahu promised to promote … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 2 Comments

Night at the Museum 2: A fun flick

If you like cute, funny, family-oriented films, you will like Night at the Museum 2. Sarah and the twins and I went this afternoon, while Larry took the older boys to see Star Trek. (She and I will see that … Continue reading

Posted in Movies | 1 Comment

Blog Carnival Time: The Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere

It is blog carnival time again. Time to go read Haveil Havalim, the weekly blog carnival of the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere. This week you it is at What War Zone, entitled: “Haveil Charles Havelim, Please Report to the Front Desk” Go … Continue reading

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Lebanese spy stories

I’ve previously been skeptical of the Lebanese claims that Israel has an extensive spy network in Lebanon. The NY Times today, has a more extensive report on the story. Mr. Homsi, 61, was the deputy mayor of Saadnayel, a town … Continue reading

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Oh wow, man

Cheech and Chong are on Mad TV, and, well, I have something to confess: Stoner humor is apparently just as funny today as it was when I was fourteen years old. Either that, or Mad TV’s writers got way better. … Continue reading

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U.S. arming Hezbullah for next war with Israel

America has apparently learned nothing since training and arming the PLO, which then used that training and those weapons to murder Israelis. Now, we’re going to send some pretty intense weaponry that will end up in the hands of Hezbullah. … Continue reading

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Working together

While some folks thought it was fun to tally up the points Bibi and Barack scored against one another, it appears that they actually did some things of substance. For one thing it appears that apart from Secretary of State … Continue reading

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Nasrallah blames Israel for all the ills of the region

These are the words of the man who, in the coming months, you can expect the EU, UN, and left-leaning US crowd to call for Israel to negotiate with. Because Hezbollah, they will say, is moderating. Or because Hezbollah is … Continue reading

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Avigdor Lieberman: Cutting straight to the point

I’m starting to really like this guy. Lieberman further expressed his disappointment with the Palestinian leadership: “You can’t have it both ways. You can’t accept our help on one hand and ask the ICC to charge us with crimes against … Continue reading

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If it’s Friday, there must be violent anti-fence protests

Okay, now I’m starting to wonder what’s going on with all these protesters getting hit by tear gas grenade canisters. Anti-fence rallies in Ramallah area lead to violent clashes between Palestinians and security forces once again: A 20-year-old Palestinian was … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Camp David never happened

In Vote Fatah (or Hamas) Khalil Shkaki writes: Recall how, in 1999, when the interim arrangements of the Oslo agreements expired without an end to the occupation, younger nationalists led by Fatah leaders like Marwan Barghouti, in cooperation with Islamists, … Continue reading

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Roger Cohen – an ominous fellow traveler?

I warmly recommend an excellent article An Ominous Turn in Elite Opinion by Jonathan S. Tobin in the Commentary magazine. Not because I agree with every conclusion about the article main protagonist – Roger Cohen, I have my doubts about … Continue reading

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