Monthly Archives: May 2009

IDF Soldiers Take The Old City and Temple Mount

This is a very cool video. IDF Soldiers Take The Old City and Temple Mount Crossposted on Random Thoughts Do They Have Meaning?

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Jerusalem of Gold on Jerusalem Day

It’s Jerusalem Day in Israel. Word that the Obama plan for peace in the Middle East includes making the Old City an international zone is bringing derision from all sides. I’m actually wondering if Obama is truly that stupid, and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 1 Comment

The sport of Bibi bashing

There’s something tasteless about headlining a “news analysis” Keeping score on Obama vs. Netanyahu (via memeorandum), but I suppose there will be a lot of this over the next three or four years as the media try to score points … Continue reading

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Synagogue bomb plot foiled

A number of media outlets are reporting that a cell of Islamic converts were foiled in an attempt to blow up New York area synagogues. The New York Times reports: Four men were arrested Wednesday night in what the authorities … Continue reading

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Advanced cat yodeling

From the men who brought us cat yodeling: The next step. Because we need a laugh.

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Scottish film festival boycotts Israel

Loathesome Ken Loach managed to bully a Scottish film festival into giving back £300 that Israel donated for travel expenses of an Israeli film director. And here’s the worst of it: The Scots stayed strong when the local Palestinian group … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The settlement panacea

In Upping the ante on Israel, David Ignatius notes that President Obama has asked the Arab world to start normalization with Israel. To give Israel some quick tangible benefits, the United States wants the Arabs to begin normalizing relations with … Continue reading

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Obama to Bibi: What Israeli nukes?

Looks like Obama will not be making major changes in Israeli/U.S. relations after all. “At the talks, Obama expressed his deep commitment to Israel’s security and his full adherence to the deep presidential understandings in this area,” the source said. … Continue reading

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Between Erakat and a hard place

Saeb Erakat’s CV: His campus politicking notwithstanding, Erekat had in mind for himself a career in academics. After returning home in 1979, he got a teaching job at An-Najah National University at Nablus on the West Bank but soon won … Continue reading

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The Hamas stamp of disapproval

It’s now official: Hamas has put its seal of disapproval on the Obama-Netanyahu meeting. “Obama’s statements and messages of hope are meant to mislead global public opinion regarding the continued existence and conduct of the racist and extremist Zionist entity,” … Continue reading

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Getting nervous

Yesterday, the Jerusalem Post reported that two accused Lebanese spies for Israel and their families fled to Israel. Two Lebanese citizens suspected of spying for Israel have fled the country and crossed the heavily fortified border into Israel, a senior … Continue reading

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Netanyahu charms Obama; Arab world fuming

Toldja so. Here are some of the things that leaped out at me during the news conference: Bibi noticeably did not declare that he would work towards a Palestinian state. Obama mentioned the Road Map and “discussions at Annapolis,” but … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The One | 4 Comments

Bibi – dishonestly and honestly

Scott MacLeod judges Binyamin Netanyahu based on Aaron David Miller’s memoirs. Frankly, I think his account says a lot about Miller and ex-President Clinton – and little of it good. (Nor do I think much of MacLeod who takes Miller … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

War by other means

In Mideast Contest of wills, Jackson Diehl outlines the likely priorities of both President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Contrary to what it would like Iran and the rest of the world to believe, Israel would not attack Tehran’s nuclear … Continue reading

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Argentina’s pogroms

Argentinian Jews celebrating Israel were attacked and beaten by anti-Semitic creeps holding anti-Semitic signs. Not anti-Israel—anti-Semitic. Police in Buenos Aires, Argentina arrested at least five people after anti-Semitic demonstrators clashed Sunday with Jews marking the 61st anniversary of the creation … Continue reading

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