Monthly Archives: May 2009

Jolly Roger

Roger Cohen, who has spent the last several months arguing that Iran is moderate because only 75% of its Jews chose to or were able to leave, is at it again ahead of President Obama’s meeting with Prime MInister Netanyahu. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Obama on Israel: Get ready for my toldjaso

It’s looking more and more like Obama is going to be pretty reasonable when he meets with Bibi today. Exhibit one: But analysts and officials in both governments said it is in neither man’s interest to have a public spat. … Continue reading

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Barry Rubin identifies two types of unrealistic realists This is explained by saying that the practitioners weren’t good enough–“I’m smarter or more charming than they were,” which today seems to be what President Barack Obama is saying–or didn’t try hard … Continue reading

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Jewish/Israeli Blog Carnival #217

If you want to get a sense of what sorts of issues, thoughts and ideas are buzzing through the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere you need to go check out our blog carnival. It is called Haveil Havalim and is one of the … Continue reading

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Obama won’t be throwing Israel under the bus, part I

Here’s where I stick my neck out and look either brilliant or moronic, but I don’t think that Obama is going to sell out Israel. Here’s another reason why: United States President Barack Obama has said he cannot tell Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The One | 5 Comments

Buying a gas stove

I’m buying a gas stove to replace the hated electric stove that came with my condo. I have gas heat, a gas fireplace, and an electric stove. I’ve already got a quote on what it will cost to run the … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Sleep is unfair

You know, it’s bad enough that I’ve been having lousy dreams and nightmares. I think it’s really, really unfair that I had a dream where I was actually speaking French to a Frenchwoman, and she had the nerve to insult … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 3 Comments

News Snarks

Hamas is refreshing its weapons supply. Egypt opened its Gaza border for “humanitarian” purposes. I wonder if one of those is picking up the weapons cache in the Sinai that the Egyptian army found. I also wonder if the world … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, News Briefs, Syria | 2 Comments

The UN finds another club to use on Israel: Phantom torture facility

Did you know the UN had an anti-torture committee? You’d think that maybe they’d be checking out the handiwork of places like Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, various South American dictatorships, North Korea, Cuba, Libya, and, gee, pre-2003 Iraq. But … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations | 1 Comment

The coming confrontation?

For now I’m going to persist in my illusion that Binyamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama are not headed for a major showdown next week when they meet. Steve Rosen wrote: The commentariat and the blogs are full of predictions that … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Politics | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The enema remedy – doing quite well, thank you

Since then, as that ancient Jewish story tells, each time when a Pharaoh gets sick, Jews get the enema. Sorry about that annoying habit of quoting own posts, but the quote is not mine, so… Anyhow, this time it applies … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 1 Comment

It’s been a busy week

Especially the last couple of days. Much driving yesterday, much working today. Things are mostly under control at work. Tig’s way of showing how much he missed me was to sleep on my legs several times throughout the night. Gracie … Continue reading

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Two state confusion

Tony Karon writes this bit of inanity in his survey of President Obama’s foreign policy challenges: Unlike Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is fully committed to the two-state solution being championed by the Obama Administration. The problem, however, is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Tagged | 5 Comments

The world’s smallest violin for Syria

Syria’s upset: Syria’s Tishrin newspaper said U.S. policies of isolation, blockades and sanctions adopted by the former U.S. administration “have put the United States in an intractable impasse.” It said Washington can reverse this path if it stepped up its … Continue reading

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Attacking Iran

Iran is supposedly preparing for an attack on its nuclear sites. Saudi daily ‘Al-Watan’ is reporting that over the past several weeks Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has deployed several mobile surface-to-air and anti-ship missile batteries in the Strait of Hormuz and … Continue reading

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