Your classic AP whitewash of the week

Read it and shake your head in utter amazement at the failure of the AP to explain Arafat’s corruption, which led to his hiding billions in Swiss bank accounts, as well as ignoring his terrorism, ruthlessness, and brutality against any who had the nerve to speak out against his corruption:

Institutions for an independent Palestinian state should be up and running within two years, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Monday, for the first time setting such a target date.

Little state-building was accomplished in the first decade after the Palestinian Authority was established in the mid-1990s, at a time when the late Yasser Arafat, known for his chaotic style of governing, was at the helm.

“Chaotic style of governing”? Is that what the kids are calling it these days.

Shame on AP.

As for the implication in the lead: Shyeah, right. The PLO still shows maps that don’t mention Israel, only that mythical state called Palestine. Incitement is still prevalent in Palestinian media and in schools. I won’t be holding my breath about that two-year mark.

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One Response to Your classic AP whitewash of the week

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    I respectfully disagree with your choice of words, Meryl. You call incitement “prevelant” in Palestinian schools. As far as I can tell the word is more aptly “ubiquitous.” As far as I can tell incitement spills out of every school, television show, mosque, government office, in fact any possible way of inciting the population is used to incite the population.

    This is one of the reasons Obama’s even-handedness is so uneven. Sure, he called for a lessening of the incitement, but no one will be paying any attention to see if it infact abates and it won’t. Reminds me of Golda Meir’s remark about “the even-handedness of a one-handed man.”

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