Monthly Archives: June 2009

Your Friday funny, on Thursday

Sarah sent me what may be the world’s longest elephant joke. Do not be drinking if you watch this. Boy, I miss the Carol Burnett Show.

Posted in Humor, Television | Tagged | 4 Comments

A Hebrew robocall?

Someone in the marketing department in some company that has my phone number really screwed up. Because I got a robocall in Hebrew late this afternoon. It was the greeting that tipped me off that something was, er, not kosher. … Continue reading

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A sad death

Michael Jackson is dead of a heart attack. For all his fame and fortune, he led a pretty sad life. Entertainer Michael Jackson has died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday after suffering cardiac arrest, according to multiple … Continue reading

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Ship of fools stopped en route to Gaza

The latest “humanitarian” effort by pro-Hamas peaceniks was defeated by—inspection regulations. Cypriot shipping officials cited inspection requirements for stopping the two vessels, a small ferry and a sailing boat, from leaving port two hours before their scheduled departure. […] “One … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Netanyahu’s “new” demand

Howard Schneider reports in the Washington Post on Netanyahu’s Peace Stipulation (h/t Backspin) I suppose what’s disturbing about the article is its portrayal of Netanyahu’s demand as “new.” The documents accepted by Israeli leaders during breakthrough peace talks with the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged | Comments Off on Netanyahu’s “new” demand

And now, kitty pictures

First, Mr. Tig in my new computer chair today. Gracie sleeps next to it, but I’ve never seen her on it. This is the first time I saw him on it as well. I wonder if it’s because it’s usually … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 4 Comments

This Weeks Sign of The Apocalyse

(I do believe that Meryl said something about providing lighter content here. Since you’ll never find me posting about cats this will have to do for now.) This Weeks Sign of The Apocalyse comes from our friends at Haaretz who … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

“This is a massacre”

Terrible news from Iran. Terrible, but not unexpected.

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Saudi ERA Watch, AP whitewash edition

How cool is this? Wow, a member of the Saudi royal family says he sure does hope that someday, little girls in Saudi Arabia can grow up to play sports! (But not with men. Never with men.) Appealing to a … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Feminism, Religion, Saudi Arabia | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

A closer look at AP “analysis”

It’s time for a lesson in yellow journalism, which I learned at my editor’s knee while in college. The lessons I learned in college are being applied throughout the mainstream (and non-mainstream) media today. It’s not just bloggers who cherry-pick … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | Tagged , | 3 Comments

United States to return ambassador to Damascus

The New York Times and Washington Post are both reporting that the Obama administration intends to send reestablish diplomatic ties with Syria at the ambassadorial level. Here’s the Washington Post giving the administration’s line: The acting assistant secretary of state … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Syria | Tagged | Comments Off on United States to return ambassador to Damascus

Other people’s blogs

Lair Simon has a great video of Nardo playing flippykitty. Speaking of Lair, he sent me to this link about Captain America being brought back (he was killed by a sniper’s bullet two years ago). Well, I didn’t buy the … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Linkfests | Comments Off on Other people’s blogs

Best. Juvenile Scorn. Ever.

You simply have to read this. It is the greatest example of juvenile scorn I have ever seen online. It’s a takedown of Andrew Sullivan. H/T: Allah.

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Something’s missing from this blog

I do believe my personal touch seems to have gone by the wayside. I rarely post about anything but the news anymore, and, well, I think you guys are getting bored with that. I used to have a little more … Continue reading

Posted in Girl Talk, Life, Site news | 1 Comment

Palestinian rejectionism

I saw this headline at Ynet, and my heart leaped. Israelis, Palestinians call for Shalit’s release Solidarity at last? Protest on both sides of fence: Hundreds of demonstrators from all over the country began blocking the Karni, Erez and Kerem … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 1 Comment