Monthly Archives: June 2009

Expansive settlements

I remember at the end of a movie (was it the Pelican Brief?) , the hero talks about how he will never know if his car will explode when he turns the key to his ignition. The threat to him … Continue reading

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If everyone else jumped off a bridge…

One of the things I keep seeing on lefty blogs—particularly Nico’s, the one I’m following at HuffPo for Iran news—is statements like this: Obama’s Iran policy. Americans approve of it 52 percent vs. 36 percent who disapprove, according to a … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, The One | Tagged | 2 Comments

Your classic AP whitewash of the week

Read it and shake your head in utter amazement at the failure of the AP to explain Arafat’s corruption, which led to his hiding billions in Swiss bank accounts, as well as ignoring his terrorism, ruthlessness, and brutality against any … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Words from Iran

I hope there are millions more like this young man. Mohammad: Yes. Let me tell you something. For about three decades our nation has been humiliated and insulted by this regime. Now Iranians are united again one more time after … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

A Democratic rift?

Meryl noted that Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid has expressed doubts about President Obama’s policies in the Middle East. The United States needs to back off Israel a little and put some pressure the Palestinians instead, US Senator and Senate … Continue reading

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Condemnation by settlement

Now that the Obama administration has apparently chosen to disregard the Bush administration’s commitments to Israel about so-called “settlements, ” Rick Richman reminds us (after recalling a number of forgotten points about UN resolution 242): The more important point, however, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere

It is Haveil Havalim time. Take a moment to check out the latest edition of the Best of the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere. You can find the latest edition right here.

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What next in Iran?

I looked up through the smoke and saw a poster of the stern visage of Khomeini above the words, “Islam is the religion of freedom.” When he’s not acting as an apologist for the Iranian regime, Roger Cohen has a … Continue reading

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Mad Mahmoud to us: MYOB

Do these people ever speak in conversational English? Or is Farsi really as fuddy-duddy a language as this quote makes it seem? “Definitely by hasty remarks you will not be placed in the circle of friendship with the Iranian nation. … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Iran

Persia is the home of both one of the worst enemies (Haman), and one of the greatest friends (Cyrus the Great) of Jews in history. There are hundreds of thousands of Iranian Jews in Israel and America, who come from … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

Chaos in Iran, ice cream in Alexandria

Obama took the opportunity of the quiet Saturday to take his daughters out for a treat. Meantime, Patterico compares Tweets of Obama, and Tweets of Tehran. Must-read.

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Harry Reid to Obama: Hello, Palestinians?

Good news from the Senate: They appear to be recovering from their Obama swoons, and willing to face the Obamanoids’ wrath. And of all people to lead the way, it’s the Senate Majority Leader. The United States needs to back … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

The revolution is over—only the bloodshed remains

I don’t think things are going to go well at all tomorrow. TEHRAN, June 19 (Reuters) – Defeated Iranian presidential election candidate Mirhossein Mousavi is not calling on his supporters to stage new street protests on Saturday, an ally told … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Gaza blockade runners now bringing cement

Suddenly, humanitarian supplies now include cement. Activists campaigning for an end to Gaza’s blockade by Israel will sail to the enclave from Cyprus in defiance of the Israeli navy, they said Thursday. Two boats, including one carrying cement and building … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

A good cause for Jimmy Carter

If Jimmy Carter is truly interested in justice for Israelis and Palestinians, he would get behind the Red Cross’ attempt to see Gilad Shalit. Through its contacts with Hamas, The International Committee of the Red Cross is attempting to establish … Continue reading

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