Monthly Archives: June 2009

No hoseannas for Hosni

President for life of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak claims to know how to Achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace. Of course it would be easier to take if he didn’t claim the mantle of “reform.” But President Mubarak at once claims to be committed … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged | 2 Comments

Israelis to Obama: You are not on our side

Israelis think Obama is pro-Palestinian. Only six percent think he is pro-Israeli. I’m sure the Arab world is going to be loving this poll result. And the reason for the change? The Cairo speech. Only 6 percent of Jewish Israelis … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The One | 1 Comment

Ross dressing

Back on June 9, Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post reported that Dennis Ross, then the administration’s point man on Iran, was too pro-Israel. After pointing out that a couple of other administration officials had been involved with high profile … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Iraqis to sue Israel for Osirak

Here we go again. A group of Iraqi lawmakers are determined to press forward with their demands for reparations for a 1981 Israeli attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor, Baghdad’s daily al-Sabbah reported Thursday. Mohammed Naji Mohammed, a member of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations, World | 5 Comments

It’s not in Israel’s hands

Meryl writes The unnoticed intransigence vs. the supposed intransigence, which analyzes a recent AP report about the Middle East. Meryl observes: If you read only the mainstream media reports on Israel, you come away thinking that it is the Israelis … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Obama to Israel: Screw Shalit, open Gaza crossings

The Obama administration is trying to force Israel to open the Gaza crossings without getting back Gilad Shalit, who has been in captivity for over 1,000 days. The United States has stepped up pressure on Israel regarding the Gaza Strip: … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, The One | 3 Comments

The disposables

Earlier this month Elder of Ziyon noted the story of a Palestinian woman who had been accused of informing Israel about the Palestinian Authority. The real shocker was that the woman turned to Israel after reportedly having been forced into … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Hamas makes a liar out of Carter, Part II

The hits just keep on comin‘. The message former U.S. President Jimmy Carter wanted to be sent to a captive Israeli soldier in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip was verbal, an aide to Hamas’ Premier Ismail Haneya said Wednesday. The message … Continue reading

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Hamas to Carter: The Three No’s live again

Yesterday, Hamas made a fool of Jimmy Carter yet again. Carter said he urged Hamas to support efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding, “They have made statements and taken actions that suggest they are ready to join the peace … Continue reading

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A Jewish take on the sitch in Iran

This one made me laugh out loud. Knesset Member Menachem Eliezer Moses, chairman of the United Torah Judaism faction, wished success on Wednesday to the two camps battling in Iran following Friday’s disputed presidential elections. “What I have to say … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 4 Comments

The legitimization of Hamas begins

Jimmy Carter is going to work the Obama administration to try to get Hamas’ terror designation revoked. Former President Jimmy Carter will urge the Obama administration to remove Hamas from the terrorist list, FOX News has learned. Carter, a chief … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism, World | 3 Comments

Hamas Arabs crushing Iranian dissent

Jimmy Carter is always just one step behind events. As he says he’s going to ask the Obama administration to revoke Hamas’ designation as a terrorist organization (yes, really), Hamas has sent its terrorists to do the dirty work on … Continue reading

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The unnoticed intransigence, vs. the supposed intransigence

If you read only the mainstream media reports on Israel, you come away thinking that it is the Israelis who are the obstacles to peace, and that it is the Palestinians who are the ones who are willing to make … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Speak softly and carry no stick

In Obama’s message to Iran, David Ignatius writes: The stormy Iranian elections are one more sign of how the world has been shaken up in the age of Barack Obama. The ruling mullahs are nervous about a threat to the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Politics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Where antisemitism is accepted

While I don’t agree with his whole essay, Richard Cohen makes an important point: To far more people than we would like to admit, the mystery of James W. von Brunn, the alleged shooter at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, is … Continue reading

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