Monthly Archives: June 2009

Why Be Jewish & Other Thoughts

Over on my blog there is a post called Why Be Jewish in which we explore some of the reasons why people are members of the tribe. I would have crossposted it here but I didn’t want to take that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

If you do it for us, we don’t have to

Isabel Kershner reports Netanyahu backs Palestinian state with caveats: But beyond the idea of a state, he seemed to offer little room for compromise or negotiation. … “Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about negotiations, but left us with nothing to negotiate as … Continue reading

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No Roger, there is no Santa Claus

It’s always sad when a child has his childhood fantasies ripped away from him. It didn’t seem that long ago that Roger Cohen (and David Ignatius) were telling us that the “Mad Mullahs” of Iran were just a neo-conservative myth. … Continue reading

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On Iran

Here’s what I think is going to happen: The same thing that happened several years ago, when young people across Iran protested, well, the exact same leader of their nation. The students are going to lose. Of course, I would … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Tagged | 2 Comments

That Netanyahu’s speech – third opinion

No, I haven’t bothered to see it all, the transcript has done quite well for me. Anyway, it was good to sleep on it before venturing forth with an opinion, which will be argued against no matter what I say. … Continue reading

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The evolution of an AP headline

One story. Three updates. Four headlines. 1:51 p.m.: The first AP report on Netanyahu’s speech. Note the bias of the headline—Netanyahu called for a Palestinian state, and the AP describes it as “limited.” Netanyahu accepts limited Palestinian state Israeli Prime … Continue reading

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The Netanyahu speech

Bibi said the words that needed to be said. He called for the establishment of a Palestinian state. I haven’t yet found an English transcript of the speech, and would like very much to read it all before commenting thoroughly—but … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Shaping Obama

There are two points about the recent Washington Post report, Obama’s aides, friends shaped his views on settlements: The first is the omission of any mention of President Obama’s friendship with Rashid Khalidi or Ali Abuminah. This allows the reporters … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

Bar Mitzvah Boy

Sarah and Larry’s eldest son had his bar mitzvah yesterday, which is one reason why it’s been extremely quiet on this blog this weekend. He did a wonderful job. After the service, he and I were discussing how he did, … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

The Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere

It has been a busy week filled with all sorts of news and not all of it good. Every week the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere produces a blog carnival in which you can find their thoughts about numerous topics. If you want … Continue reading

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Jimmy Carter: Not even hiding his hate for Israel any more

Sorry, but when someone says the Palestinians have been suffering ever since 1948, they’re as good as saying Israel has no right to exist. And Carter went far beyond that in a speech to the Palestinians today: “I have been … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

It’s Mad Mahmoud by a whisker

Or so the Iranian state news agency says. Iran’s state news agency reported that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won re-election Friday, but his main reformist challenger also confidently claimed victory at a news conference moments earlier. The rival claims came even … Continue reading

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UN wants to fine Israel, Israel should bill UN

The leader of the organization that helps supply Hamas with funding for the missiles that rain down on Israel (see: UNRWA and related organizations that help pay Hamas members’ salaries) wants to fine Israel for responding to the missiles. UN … Continue reading

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The campaign’s the thing

During the campaign last year, we kept on hearing stories about how supportive President Obama would be of Israel. Those of us who looked at his associations and wondered how someone with his background would be pro-Israel were mocked for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Vote for Ahmadinejad—please.

I want Ahmadinejad to win today. Yes, really. Because his replacement will be worse. Why worse? Because he pretends that he doesn’t have the same goals as Ahmadinejad. Because the world media will call him a “moderate.” Because he will … Continue reading

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