Monthly Archives: June 2009

Pre-election Iran, pot calling kettle, pink glasses etc

The fake drama developing in Tehran these days is sort of ironic. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad further fueled the unprecedented drama in Iranian politics ahead of Friday’s national elections, giving a fiery response Wednesday to harsh criticism from one of the … Continue reading

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The Obama administration’s contribution to the election in Lebanon

I expressed some skepticism towards the claim that President Obama’s Cairo speech helped boost the prospects of the March 14 coalition. I also offered my own suggestion that perhaps the speech scared Christians into voting for the coaltion. Max Boot … Continue reading

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CAIR doesn’t really care

The AP laps up everything that CAIR gives them, even when CAIR lies about caring about anti-Semitism. Added to the lead of the AP news article on the Holocaust Museum shooting are these words: The assailant was hospitalized in critical … Continue reading

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Israel helping Gazans, world doesn’t notice

This isn’t getting any play at all in the anti-Israel media. Israel began construction of an underground pipeline on Tuesday that will deliver diesel fuel and cooking oil to the southern Gaza Strip. The decision to build the pipeline followed … Continue reading

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Making the desert bloom

Science fiction fans will remember the dew collectors in the novel Dune. They’re not science fiction in Israel. A new Israeli company Tal-Ya Water Technologies, which launched in May, promises to squeeze dew from the air for watering crops where … Continue reading

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The morning after the morning after three years later

Snoopy noted a Bradley Burston column in the wake of Israel’s war with Hezbollah in 2006 in which Burston wrote (the link to Ha’aretz has expired): When this war is over and Israel’s troops are gone from Lebanon, and when … Continue reading

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Dhimmitude on display

Iranian Jews are the finest example of how Jews were treated in Muslim nations during the good old days of the Caliphate. Witness: Besides their support, Mutai stressed that “ever since the revolution, the Jewish community has tried very hard … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Jews | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Dennis the pro-Israel menace

The Washington Post focuses on the diplomat in charge of running policy on Iran, with a feature titled: Dennis Ross Faces Big Task on Iran Policy, Including Overcoming Pro-Israel Label. Now this isn’t the actual title in the print edition, … Continue reading

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What the Obama speech really said

Here, I think, is the simplest example of what Obama’s Cairo speech did to Israel.

Posted in Evil Meryl, Israel, The One | 1 Comment

More Cairo dividends: Hamas says pressure Israel

Hamas refuses to disarm, refuses to stop terror, refuses to renounce “resistance,” refuses to recognize Israel, and still maintains its anti-Semitic and Israel-denying charter, but Hamas is stepping up to applaud the U.S. for pressuring Israel, and calls for even … Continue reading

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The studiously avoided refugees

In his speech in Cairo last week President Obama referred to himself as a “student of history.” A number of writers have pointed out that there’s a dimension of the Middle East’s history that the President failed to mention. A … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews | Tagged | 1 Comment

Mending fences, Middle East style

When (then-)Crown Prince Abdullah wished to repair the image of Saudi Arabia – 15 of whose nationals had been involved in the worst terrorist act on American soil – in American eyes, he invited Thomas Friedman to Riyadh (Friedman, a … Continue reading

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God, I hate the AP

Ten terrorists tried to use horses booby-trapped with explosives to attack from the Gaza border and possibly kidnap some Israeli soldiers. Let’s take a look at how this attack was portrayed in the Israeli media. An Israel Defense Forces’ investigation … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Abbas the obstacle

I was surprised by two opinion pieces over the weekend. One was by Thomas Friedman, After Cairo, it’ Clinton Time. I assumed that Friedman was going to write how Secretary of State Clinton now had to pressure Israel. In fact … Continue reading

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Hezbollah loses (for now)

Tony Badran has a complete roundup of the results of the Lebanese election. It features of names that I’m unfamiliar with, but will be of interest with those who have a detailed knowledge of Lebanese politics. This is from his … Continue reading

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