Monthly Archives: June 2009

Honesty is the best policy, Israeli Exception Clause version

“Part of being a good friend is being honest,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with NPR News. “And I think there have been times where we are not as honest as we should be about the fact that the … Continue reading

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The questionable centrality of Palestine

The New York Times asked seven Muslims – from Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Pakistan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia – what President Obama’s message to the Muslim world should be later this week. I was surprised at the responses. AHMED al-OMRAN (from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Media narrative or floating balloons?

Yesterday the New York Times trumpeted the fact that one of the Obama administration “punishments” for Netanyahu refusing to freeze natural growth of the suburbs of Jerusalem—a.k.a. “settlement growth”—would be a lack of support for Israel in the UN. Today, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, The One | 7 Comments

You might just as well be blind

Helene Cooper whose Rolodex seems filled with only anti-Israel experts now writes that President Obama will be “honest” with Israel. “Part of being a good friend is being honest,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with NPR News. “And I … Continue reading

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Where Hugo’s huge

A surprisingly astute Washington Post editorial two month ago observed: FOR DECADES, summit meetings of the Arab League have resounded with rhetoric about the alleged “double standards” of the West in enforcing U.N. resolutions or respecting international law. No communique … Continue reading

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The media’s anti-bibi brigades

One aspect of reporting on ties between Israel and the United States is to look for exaggerations in the extent of the rift between the two countries. We will see a lot of this in the coming years as journalists … Continue reading

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The pro-Palestinian media

A few headlines about the latest red-on-red infighting. The New York Times: 6 Die as Palestinian Authority Forces Clash With Hamas Note the passive voice in the headline. Six were killed, and yet, in the headline, they “die” in a … Continue reading

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Carnival Time

Sunday was action packed and as a result I forgot to let you know that the latest edition of Haveil Havalim, the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere weekly blog carnival is up. This is the 219th edition which makes it one of the … Continue reading

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Obama, Muslims, and the AP narrative

In an article about how Obama must kowtow to Muslims, several things leap out at me, but this paragraph most of all: If Obama wants to rally Muslim support to rein in Iran, analysts say, he will have to prove … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Religion | 1 Comment