You have new hate mail!

This is why my comments are moderated. The Jew-hating freaks come out in droves, particularly when one of my posts gets picked up by the blog aggregator that shows up below Yahoo! News articles. Although sometimes, they just find me via a search engine or a link.

But the most vile comments come when I get picked up by Yahoo! or CNN or any other mainstream media outlet.

To wit: from a lovely Australian Jew-hater, proving my point about blaming all Jews for anti-Semitic acts:

Maybe anti-Semitism will finally cease when Jews stop using blockades as a means of starving Arab children to death. But then again the notion of their innate racial superiority is so entrenched among Jews, that their foul culture will continue to condone more acts of oppression against unfortunate non-Jews.

That’s actually a standard pattern of the Jew-haters: I write about why Jew-haters do what they do, and they come along to emphasize my point. It’s almost as if they have stupid radar as well as hatred for Jews. Oh. Wait.

This one is from a champ at GM, giving us insight into why the company is failing. It’s from Soccerdad’s post about how Obama’s pressure-Israel policy isn’t working:

People are finally waking up to all the abuse of international laws by Israel. It is about time the USA look after its own interest and stop protecting Israel of all kind human rights abuses.

See, this genius from GM knows can’t even bother to read the article he’s commenting on, where Soccerdad points out that, uh, the policy isn’t working. But again, the Jew-haters do tend to be awfully stupid.

Here’s a pretty typical comment, runon sentences and all. They get especially exercised when they find out that I won’t allow Israel-bashing comments. Note the attempt at evenhandedness, even as the commenter complains that Jews are always whining about being picked on (Jewish history of persecution notwithstanding, I guess we should just shut up and die meekly again, the way the good Jews of old did, huh?). This one’s on my post about Obama getting worse on “settlements.” And of course, this insistently non-Jew-hater is from the U.K.

Your No Isreal Bashing zone commentary written by your goodself illustrates exactly the problem that Israeli’s and Jews have, that it has blinkered, insular, blurred vision when it comes to being totally fair, impartial to dealing with the various conflicts, disagreements that are occuring in the middle east. I totally disagree with your comment about Israel being bashed on a regualr basis in the world press, if you are talking about the Western press it’s rare to find any news story the paints Israel in a negative or bad light (it seems that Western Journalists, programme editors and even politicians are too scared to vocal any dissention towards Isreal for fear of being branded an anti-semite, thus stifling any real and sensible debate or freedom of the press to do their job accurately and fairly, which is very worrying indeed). I’m not against Israel or Jews in the rest of the world wanting their own sovereign country Israel and to be safe and protected from any threat of invasion, or indeed any other nation, race or religion. But I do object to this systematic world wide complaint that Jews are always being picked on, it just isn’t the case. It seems that Israel can in no shape or form take any form of comment or contructive critism of it’s shortcomings or unfair dealings with the Palestinians. I’m sorry if this offends your No Israel Bashing Zone, but no further debate or progress will be made if you insist on only have pro Israeli comments, it serves no purpose otherwise.

I would like to point out that the moment I re-opened comments to non-registered members, the comments began again. They’ve been closed since April, when I got gems like this on my post about Israeli security saving a ship from pirates:

Who do you think trains U.S. police, military and security? You guessed it.

Ooooh. Look out, my fellow American, us Jooooooooooos are all around you!

And last, but not least (it’s just all I can stomach for now), a comment that uses the typical tactic of projection. It’s from a post about how the media ignores the fact that Lieberman is for a two-state solution:

Lieberman is “a rabid anti-Arab bigot”. Of course he will support a Palestinian bantustan, it will keep all of those impure inferiors from contaminating Israel’s ethnic purity.

Really, all they do is repeat the same catchprhases, over and over again, and yet, they get really angry when I don’t allow those catchphrases in my comments. Ah, to be young, stupid, and feeling entitled. Or old, stupid, and feeling entitled. The one thing the Jew-haters all have in common (besides the fact that they hate Jews, of course): They all get mightily pissed that I won’t let them play in my sandbox.

The heart bleeds.

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to You have new hate mail!

  1. Pamela says:

    I know a sandbox they can play in. Right next to the cats at a shelter.

    By blood or faith, we are all Jewish some where in our genetic tree.

    I think the only real difference is all men are descended from Adam, but not all women are descended from Eve. Help the poor sod who truly pisses off either branch of females.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actually, all women are descended from Adam (and Eve), legends of Lilith notwithstanding. In fact all men and woman are descended from No’ach and his wife, Naamah.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    Who do you think trains U.S. police, military and security? You guessed it.

    I would read this as a compliment, unless this person is viciously against the U.S. as well.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    I think that antisemitism and anti-Americanism are two sides of the same coin. For the most part, with a few, rare exceptions like Pitchfork Pat B., if you scratch an antisemite you’ll find an anti-American, and vice versa. They certainly seem to go together among the Euros. For example, Le Pen’s boyos hate America as much as they hate Jews. On 9/11, I’ve heard, Le Pen’s assistants broke out the champagne.

  5. Rahel says:

    Looks like the champ from GM can’t write too well, either. Typical.

  6. Bruce says:

    Two comments.

    1) Israel is an imperfect state, i.e. like all states. It does not do everything it does perfectly, sometimes overreacts, engages in some discrimination domestically. In other words, its leaders are extremely human and sometimes do wrong. But an Arab felon in an Israeli prison lives a more humane life than a Jewish person can in most Arab nations. Israel is by far the least corrupt society in the Middle East, the one with the greatest commitment to religious freedom and due process of law. Anyone with gripes about Israel who has no much larger gripes with every single state that borders Israel directly or once removed is a hypocrite, pure and simple.

    2) Mr. No Isreal Bashing Zone runon master above should try his hand at Nigerian 419 scam emails; he’s got the pattern down.

  7. Lorenzo says:

    Anyone who has ever taken a psych course understands that people project their own deficiencies onto others to avoid having to deal with their dark side. So it is with Jew haters who project their own intolerance and racial purity fantasies onto the Jews. It’s like the Arabs calling Jews bloodthirsty when it is the Arabs who lop off heads and kill their women for family honor.

  8. Bert says:

    To be honest Meryl, I’d say that most Jews ARE racially superior to Jew haters.

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