Thursday SNB

Who are you, and what have you done with the AP editors? Look, it’s a profile of Sderot, and it’s actually implies that Operation Cast Lead is responsible for stopping the rockets! Not only that, but it portrays Israelis sympathetically. And it doesn’t even mention “the hawkish Netanyahu.” I think I’m going to faint.

Turks want to take over mantle of “Loser” from Egypt: Yeah, this’ll work. Because it worked so well for Egypt. The Turks want to help reconcile the bad terrorists and the good terrorists (that’s Hamas and Fatah for you MSM editors who can’t grasp the T-word). To quote Billy S.: A pox on both their houses. Literally would be nice.

Susan Rice: The UN is useless, and so am I. Gee, it’s good to have a positive attitude towards what the U.S. can achieve in the UN, isn’t it?

Rice told the committee she does believe the Security Council would support expanding UNIFIL’s authority in a bid to counter Hezbollah’s increased presence in south Lebanon.

She admits that Hezbollah is violating 1701, but says there’s nothing the U.S. can do about it in the UN? Good to know that the Obama administration is so eager to hold the Arabs to their end of the “peace in the Middle East” deal. You know, like he said he would in the Cairo speech.

Hezbullah lost the election? Look! Israel! Jonathan Spyer says Hezbullah is ratcheting up the rhetoric to take Lebanon’s mind off the fact that it’s a terrorist organization trying to take over the country.

The media backlash begins: Newsweek mocked by Obama, Newsweek hits back. The One’s thin skin should allow for one more hit by Obama. Or he’ll sulk.

ObamaCare: Not this month. Check back later. The question I have is whether this “cooperative” bullshit is going to be bought by my fellow Americans. A public plan by any other name still stinks. (Whoa. TWO Shakespeare references in one post? I think I’m tapping my inner English Major.)

I would do anything for you, but I won’t link that. Seriously. There’s a story on CNN titled “Inside LeAnn Rimes Marriage,” and my first thought is, “Why? Why do I care? Do I even know who this woman is? A singer, right? Country? I can’t remember.” And so, we do not link. Find it yourself if you’re so anxious about the woman. (Phew. A Jim Steinman reference. I’m back to normal.)

This entry was posted in Hamas, Israel, Politics, Terrorism, The One, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Thursday SNB

  1. Veeshir says:
    I figured you would like this.
    It’s a link to the 5 most dangerous amusement park rides.

    When I saw it I thought, “It had better have an Action Park ride or else it’s crap.”

    It has two from there, the Alpine Slide and one of their water slides. They also have a name
    I never heard for it before “Class-Action Park”, I’d heard “Traction Park” and
    “Accident Park” before.

  2. Pretty funny, Veeshir. But I was never dumb enough to go to Action Park. I heard all about the injuries and thought I’d give it a pass.

  3. Veeshir says:

    I loved Action Park. I couldn’t believe they could stay open, but I loved it.

    I was in my late teens/early 20s when I used to go, so think about that. A 20 year old guy
    thought it was dangerously dangerous.

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