Monthly Archives: August 2009

By request: Kitty pics

Several people have been asking, so here they are. First, Miss Gracie, doing what she loves most: Relaxing in the sun in my office (which I think is now her office). Since I work from home most days, Gracie spends … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 7 Comments

Palestinian family: We never talked to a Swedish reporter

The Jerusalem Post’s crack reporter, Khaled Abu Toameh, interviewed the family of the Palestinian that is the centerpiece of the Aftonbladet story accusing the IDF of harvesting organs from dead Palestinians. And the family says they never said anything about … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Two sides to a blood libel

The New York Times seems to feel that there are two sides to the charges in a Swedish newspaper that the IDF kills Palestinians and takes their organs for transplants. Read Accusation of Organ Theft Stokes Ire in Israel. “Stokes … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

NJ to Gadhafi: Libyan, go home

Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi wants to pitch his tent at a Libyan-owned estate in Englewood, NJ. But the residents want nothing to do with the man who gave a hero’s welcome to the Lockerbie bomber. Plans to set up a … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, United Nations | 4 Comments

Monday morning snark news briefs

The Talibanization of Gaza continues: Hamas is going to expel girls for not wearing head coverings and full-length robes to school. They’ve also begun to segregate the sexes. No icky boys teaching girls; no icky girls teaching boys. Anyone want … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, News Briefs, Religion, United Nations | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Kindness to the cruel

FBI Director Robert Mueller: “Over the years I have been a prosecutor, and recently as the director of the FBI, I have made it a practice not to comment on the actions of other prosecutors, since only the prosecutor handling … Continue reading

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Palis smell blood in the water, circle

Not satisfied with declaring at the Fatah congress that they were going to wait for Obama to pressure Israel into full compliance with their demands (and that was on top of telling the Washington Post that they were going to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Comments Off on Palis smell blood in the water, circle

Zionists preparing to steal more organs

Uh-oh, world, watch out. Religious Jews, some of whom are generally reluctant to donate organs, have defined halacha (religious law) for organ donation. Now Jews will have a legal religious reason to steal organs from non-Jews. Palestinians, beware of waking … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Religion | 1 Comment


One of these days, I’ll get back to posting Caturday posts. But not today. Working on the podcast. (Which I need to update, Sabba Hillel, I know, I know. I will.)

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Friday SNB

There’s only time for Snark News Briefs this morning. Soldiers won’t eat in front of Palestinians: That headline does not mean what you think it means. No, it’s not another damning report from another European-funded, Palestinian-staffed NGO about how IDF … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, News Briefs, palestinian politics, The One, United Nations | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Jan Helin, editor, victim—liar

The editor who approved the despicable story that claims the IDF has been stealing organs from dead Palestinians since the 1990s—based solely, of course, on Palestinian “witnesses” and no substantive evidence—has hit back hard against Israel and Jews’ reactions: Aftonbladet … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged , | 2 Comments

When the moderate met the mass killer

A few months ago, a Washington Post editorial commented on the embrace of the Sudan’s leader Omar Hassan al-Bashir. In particular the editorial observed: “We must also take a decisive stance of solidarity alongside fraternal Sudan and President Omar al-Bashir,” … Continue reading

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Sweden’s double standard on freedom of the press

There is a decided double standard in the Sweden Foreign Ministry when it comes to freedom of the press, particularly in response to running anti-Semitic tropes in a major Swedish daily. Representatives of the Swedish government are standing up for … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Religion, World | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

What if they published a blood libel and nobody rioted?

Compare and contrast: A Swedish newspaper publishes a blood libel, accusing Israelis of taking (and selling) organs from Palestinians. Israelis are outraged. They file paperwork. Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon filed a formal grievance with the Swedish government Wednesday following … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Religion | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Hopeful and defiant

Even as the Washington Post reports that President Obama, meeting with Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, is optimistic about peace in the Middle East, it runs a parallel story Netanyahu’s Defiance of U.S. Resonates at Home: For five months, Israeli Prime … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged , | 1 Comment