Monthly Archives: August 2009

Swedish newspaper channels der Sturmer

It’s 2009, but you wouldn’t know it from reading this Swedish newspaper article. It’s like a mixture of urban legend and anti-Semitic blood libel. It’s so awful, you just have to wonder: Are the editors of this newspaper out of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, World | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Palestinian refugee creates Obama Joker poster

A reader of Glenn Reynolds points out that the artist who created the Obama Joker poster is a Palestinian-American. I would note further that he is a Palestinian refugee, as defined by the United Nations. Under UNRWA’s operational definition, Palestine … Continue reading

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Tuesday Snark News Briefs

Britain’s FM: Hey, terrorism can be useful sometimes! He was talking about South Africa, not the U.K., so it must be okay, right? (And of course, he probably doesn’t shed a tear for any Jews killed in terrorist attacks. What … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Pop Culture, Television, Terrorism, The One, World | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Imposing Islam in Gaza

From the NYT last week: Hamas makes a point of saying it does not impose strict Islam on others but merely sets an example. There are, nonetheless, Palestinians in Gaza who are more moderate religiously and who oppose Hamas, complaining … Continue reading

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Stuck on “moderate”

As members of Fatah leave their conference preparing to govern their people effectively, they offered what sounds like a tantalizing commitment. They reiterated their commitment to the “peace option.” We would like very much to take the delegates’ words at … Continue reading

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Palestinian civilians killed in fighting in Gaza, world ignores it

Did you know there was a big battle in Rafah, near the Egyptian border? Did you also know that it took place in a mosque and a home? Did you further know that civilians were killed in the crossfire? Of … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Human wrongs watch 2

Last week Human Rights Watch issued its third report on Israel’s war against Hamas. Dion Nissenbaum reported: One of the most incendiary charges to emerge from Israel’s three week military offensive in Gaza was that Israeli soldiers killed Palestinian women … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hooway for the Wii?

I have to say that the Wii Sports Resort with MotionPlus is, well, totally awesome. Jake’s over today helping me organize my books and put them into my new bookcases. After dinner, we tried out my new Wii game. Way … Continue reading

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It takes a village league

In the early 80’s Menachem Begin appointed an academic, Menachem Milson to be the administrator of the disputed areas. Begin made the appointment after reading an article by Milson in Commentary arguing that Israel should deal with the indigenous populations … Continue reading

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Echoes of a blue dress

As my co-blogger JudeoPundit and others have noted, Iran’s Press TV is accusing Binyamin Netanyahu of starting the Obama birth rumors. Read the excerpt at Don Surber’s: California attorney Orly Taitz, who filed the lawsuit challenging President Obama’s citizenship, was … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

HRW to Israel: How dare you question our biased reports?

It’s almost funny. Human Rights Watch is in a huff because Israel is questioning their reports and calling HRW biased against Israel. Which it is. Human Rights Watch on Friday accused the Israeli government of waging a propaganda war after … Continue reading

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A tale of two headlines

The AP anti-Israel bias, exhibit 4,678: First, the AP report on the HRW report on Hamas war crimes: Rights group: Hamas may have committed war crimes Next, the AP report on the current HRW accusation that Israely committed war crimes: … Continue reading

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The nail in the coffin of “astroturfed” town halls

Sixty-one percent of Americans think that it’s perfectly okay to yell at your Congressional representative when you think s/he’s not listening to you. (Via Hot Air.) Of those who had heard at least a little about the meetings, 61% say … Continue reading

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Malley’s folly

The other day the New York Times published an op-ed by Robert Malley and Hussein Agha, The Two state solution doesn’t solve anything: They conclude: For years, virtually all attention has been focused on the question of a future Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Cynical misery

Often those of us who support Israel claim that the Palestinian issue is one that was created and maintained by the Arab world in order to have a weapon against Israel. A few weeks ago, Daniel Pipes linked to a … Continue reading

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