Monthly Archives: September 2009

Wednesday SNB

Very interesting… Ynet says Benjamin Netanyahu took a trip to Russia to discuss their selling of arms to Iran. The PM’s office says he never left the country. There are also rumors that Bibi visited an Arab nation that has … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, News Briefs, Politics | 3 Comments

Update on my letter to the AP

I never did get an answer to my letter to the AP, asking why they keep using the phrase “traditionally Arab” to describe east Jerusalem. But I notice that phrase hasn’t been used lately. The AP seems to be using … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 2 Comments

When your enemy’s a lightbulb

Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A. Only one, but the light bulb really has to want to change. In defense of their stance on Hamas, J-Street writes (h/t Jennifer Rubin): We also recognize, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

Tuesday SNB

Still more dividends from the Obama speech: A Palestinian minister met with an Israeli minister last week, but that will be the last of talking until Obama forces Abbas to sit down with Netanyahu. Becauase now the Palestinians are refusing … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, News Briefs, palestinian politics, The One | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Quote of the day

Elliott Abrams in the Washington Post – in response to Jimmy Carter: Most inaccurate of all, and most bizarre, is Carter’s claim that “a total freeze of settlement expansion is the key” to a peace agreement. Not a halt to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 5 Comments

Monday SNB

Yeah, sure. And you’ve perfected the flying carpet, too: Iran says it’s developed weapons systems that will intercept stealth missiles. I think I can still hear the peals of laughter from the Pentagon over this report. Hamas backs off on … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Religion | Comments Off on Monday SNB

Megashark vs. Giant Octopus: Yeah, I watched it

Remember this? SciFi SyFy had it on last weekend. I put it on the DVR, and Sarah and the kids came over today to watch it. Some notable lines: “Don’t love the sea too much. It won’t love you back.” … Continue reading

Posted in Movies | 11 Comments

The ditto princess

Are you old enough to remember ditto machines? When I was in grammar school, we didn’t have Xerox copiers. We had ditto machines. Everyone who experienced the fresh ditto paper can recall the purple ink, and that unique smell wafting … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 10 Comments

Sunday morning briefs

If you won’t meet with me, then I don’t want to meet with you! The Swedish foreign minister has canceled his trip to Israel after hearing that Benjamin Netanyahu was about to snub him. It’s good to know that the … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Iran, Israel, The One, World | Comments Off on Sunday morning briefs

A year in residence

A year ago today, I moved into my new home. I am still as thrilled with my condo today as I was a year ago. Maybe even moreso, because I love coming home. I just talked with my mother and … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Split-level kitties

A scene that I’m starting to see a lot. This is actually the first in a sequence of shots that I’ll put up eventually. Also, if I have any time in the near future, I’m going to create a kitty … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Analyzing the AP anti-Israel bias

The subtleties of the AP anti-Israel bias are always in evidence, no matter who the writer, no matter what the subject. Witness: The gist of the article is a debate between Israeli president and former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Halvorsen’s record

A number of outlets have reported that Norway’s pension fund divested its shares of the Israeli technology firm, Elbit. It’s true,as Yaacov Lozowick points out that Norway had divested from a lot of companies ( e.g. Boeing for helping build … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | Comments Off on Halvorsen’s record

Friday SNB

Never mind about those 16 deaths per month; war’s over: The outgoing UN peacekeeping head of the Darfur reason says the war’s over, because only 16 people per month are dying, as opposed to 130 per month last year. Two … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, News Briefs, United Nations, World | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Friday SNB

Doo it again

Predictably the UN places the onus on Israel Israel has allowed in some material for repairs of water and sewage systems, but aid officials say it’s not nearly enough to fix the problem. The blockade has halted repairs of Gaza’s … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | Tagged | 1 Comment