
I watched Sarah’s kids last night while she and Larry went out to see their favorite local band. I brought a picture of Tig to show Sarah, forgetting that I had put it on the blog last month. Well, Max fell head over heels in love with the picture and asked if he could have it. He even offered to buy it from me, and started wondering how much money he had. Of course, I gave it to him. I asked him to show it to his mother, who was getting ready. He went skipping down the hall to her room to show her.

Tig playing under the screen

Yeah, I like the picture a lot, too. It’s one of those one-in-a-thousand shots, where you take a thousand pictures, and get that perfect shot that makes you look like a really good photographer. In my case, trust me, it’s sheer accident.

But I like this picture, too.

Tig playing under the screen

I probably shouldn’t use my antique Chinese screen as a playground for my cat, but, well, what’s another scratch or two on an antique anyway, right?

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3 Responses to Caturday

  1. Pamela says:

    Look at those feet.
    What does he weigh now?

  2. He’s only sixteen and a half pounds.

    He just got himself locked in my bedroom closet. He snuck in while I was looking for a jeweler’s screwdriver, and I didn’t know he was in there when I shut the door. Silly boy.

    It’s currently playtime.

  3. Rahel says:

    And that is how they will take over the world: by looking irresistible.

    Welcome, feline overlords.

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