Monthly Archives: October 2009

Breaking UN resolutions only counts if you’re Israel

How many times have we heard the tired old argument that Israel is in violation of dozens of UN resolutions? The fact that the resolutions that most people think of are nonbinding makes no difference; Israeli is in violation of … Continue reading

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An invitation to decline

J-Street in an effort to increase its relevance, has been lining up well known speakers for its upcoming convention. Such efforts to delegitimize the organization appear to have failed, with 160 congressional lawmakers endorsing its conference. The slate of scheduled … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Turkey turns on Israel

Another Muslim country has decided that years of good relations with Israel must be sacrificed to the altar of the Palestinians. In the last week, Turkey banned Israel from an annual multinational army drill, causing the U.S. to pull out … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 6 Comments

Another 1701 violation

Israel Matzav noted that there was an explosion in southern Lebanon and covered it from a Lebanese news source. (via memeorandum) Ha’aretz reports that Israel is going to the UN. Israel has demanded that the United Nations investigate the explosion … Continue reading

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The Goldstone Effect

The Goldstone Commission is having its desired effect. With these few lines in an AP report, it explains exactly why Richard Goldstone was chosen to head the commission. Israeli officials across the board have condemned the report, saying their country … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on The Goldstone Effect

Lightly posting

Hm, let’s see… spend an hour or two posting, or shower and meet up with Sarah and the kids? Tough one. Later, dudes.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

No sympathy for Goldstone – in Sderot

In Moshav Yated Journal, Isabel Kershner of the New York Times reports: According to the Israeli military, some 3,300 rockets and mortar shells were launched from Gaza at southern Israel in 2008, compared with fewer than 300 since the end … Continue reading

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The Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere

The 238th edition of Haveil Havali, the weekly blog carnival of the JBlogosphere is now live. It contains a plethora of posts on politics, Israel, Judaism and much more. You can find it right here.

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Through the news snarkly

Hypocrisy watch, part 65,341: Jordan is really big on accusing Israel of violating human rights laws every time men under 50 are prevented from worshipping at al Aqsa (because they’re going there with the intent of rioting, but I digress). … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, News Briefs | Comments Off on Through the news snarkly

Barry Rubin responds

In his post, Portraying Hamas, Soccer Dad referred to one of Barry Rubin’s articles. Here is Prof. Rubin’s response: It’s rather strange that you wrote a piece criticizing a Washington Post piece mainly by pointing out I had praised it. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 1 Comment

SNN preview

I’m pretty happy with my contribution this week. So you can all give a listen early if you promise to go to the SNN site and hear the podcast in full later. Remember, you don’t need an iPod to hear … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment

The Miss America President wins the Miss America Peace Prize

I’ve decided that we have the Miss America President. He looks pretty, he speaks nicely on deep subjects (but not too deeply), and he has to pull out a bit of talent for the competition now and then, but ultimately, … Continue reading

Posted in The One | 19 Comments

Portraying Hamas

Barry Rubin writes about a recent Washington Post article about Hamas: Here’s a good article on Hamas and how it’s a barrier to peace, with no illusions about the group moderating or being misunderstand. The article also points out how … Continue reading

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Gaddafi Jewish too now? Oh boy…

The ink on the latest “revelations” about Mahmoud the Mad’s Jewish roots has barely dried and evaporated (after all it was a canard, created, most probably, by his political rivals). And here we are on the brink of another scandal: … Continue reading

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Kitty palate cleanser

I have an antique Chinese screen. Gracie respects it, mostly. But Tig does not. Then again, I’m the one who encouraged him to play in the space under the screen. Because I was hoping for a picture like this. Kitty … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments